At the time of your home construction, it is compulsory to secure that the prospective quandaries associated with structure and infrastructure are excluded from befalling.
What kind of difficulties will occur in future for which you should be taking precautions?
And the answer is structural damage, foundation damage, water leaking problems. Amidst this structure degrades, water leaking problems are the critical ones and can bring a healthy house down if waterproofing isn’t done properly. Hence, just at the time of laying the foundation get your house verified for waterproof qualities by a waterproofing consultant.
Waterproofing verification every year: The need?
With time your house gets weak, the foundation which was laid back at the time of construction, gets damaged. And, if the damage is allowed to persist for long, the structure won’t survive. Water peeping in your house through leaks in the wall is the culprit for the damage. Hence, every year it’s advised to get a waterproofing specialist for investigating and repairing the damages.
When should you get a third party waterproofing
Experts suggest annual checkup and repair of your house annually avoids any prospective damage. But you should call a waterproofing expert anytime you see a leakage in your walls. Mostly found in the basement because all the water pipes are installed through the basement and the maximum chances of leakage are on the basement walls.
Things you should know about waterproofing
- Waterproofing isn’t the job of city inspector: The city inspector will inspect every other thing yet they won’t pay a heed to waterproof inspection and you’ll need a third-party waterproofing expert. City inspectors are liable for wellbeing, electrical investigations for security, protection reviews for vitality prerequisites, encircling and solid assessments for basic honesty, and even drywall nailing examinations to guarantee quality control. But a city inspector won’t tell you if your home is waterproof. Hence, there are third party waterproofing experts who conduct a full analysis and tell you all the problems in design and work. Also, they recommend the best solution to help you out.
- Not everyone knows the job even if they insist their legitimacy: Waterproofing isn’t as easy as it looks and not everyone can do the job. Waterproofing is the combination of engineering design and perfect skilled hands to do the job properly. There are contractors who guarantee waterproofing solution but as there are no certificates that proof that they ain’t lying. No one teaches how to do waterproofing and hence every contractor who makes claim can’t be true.
- No average person can tell you if your contractor is doing it right: To be an expert of waterproofing two thing is necessary, having either of them makes you eligible to claim the title of an expert. One parameter is experience and that too of a longer tenure or you should have the proper knowledge and education on the subject.
Hope this article helps you. Don’t make the wrong decision, take your time and take references before you call a waterproofing expert to avoid substantial future expenses. Also, a third party waterproofing consultant guarantees the best analysis.