Recent Issues with Google’s Artificial Intelligence Feature

It’s been less than two weeks since Google first launched the Recent Issues with Google’s Artificial Intelligence Feature “AI Overview” feature in Google Search, but criticism mounted after feature users showed illogical or inaccurate results within the new AI feature, according to what CNBC reported. .

The search engine’s AI Overview feature displays a quick summary of answers to search questions at the top of a Google search.

For example, if a user searches for the best way to clean leather shoes, the results page might display a summary of the “AI Overview” feature at the top of the page with a multi-step cleaning process, drawn from information gathered from around the web.

But social media users shared a wide range of screenshots showing the AI ​​tool providing incorrect and controversial answers.

For instance, when asked about the number of Muslim presidents in U.S. history, the feature responded: “The United States has had one Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama.”

Not the first time

This news comes on the heels of Google’s failed rollout of its own image creation tool, Gemini, last February, then pausing it in the same month after similar issues.

The tool allowed users to enter requests to create images, but immediately, users discovered historical errors and questionable images, which were widely circulated on social media.

For example, when a user asked Gemini to show a German soldier in 1943, the tool depicted a racially diverse group of soldiers wearing German military uniforms of that era, according to screenshots on the social media platform X.

Examples of Common New Mistakes in Answers

Here are some examples of errors produced by the new AI Overview feature, according to screenshots shared by users.

When one user searched for how to apply “glue cheese to pizza,” the feature suggested adding “about 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce.” When searching the Internet for the source of the information, social media users found an 11-year-old comment on Reddit that they believed was the source.

Attribution of seizures is also an issue with AI Overview, especially when inaccurate information is attributed to medical professionals or scientists.

For example, when the new feature was asked: “How long can I stare at the sun for better health,” the tool said, “According to WebMD, scientists say staring at the sun for 5-15 minutes, or Up to 30 minutes if you have dark skin is generally safe and provides the most health benefits,” which the specialized site did not say.

Also when asked: “How many rocks should I eat each day?” the tool said: “According to UC Berkeley geologists, people should eat at least one small rock a day,” and went on to list vitamins that They contain rocks and the digestive benefits of eating them.

The tool can also inaccurately respond to simple queries, such as making a list of fruits that end in “um,” or saying that 1919 was 20 years ago.

Additionally, when questioned about whether Google Search violates antitrust laws, AI Overview responded: “Yes, the US Department of Justice and 11 states are suing Google for antitrust violations.”

The “Artificial Intelligence Overview” feature left Google disappointed. On the day it was unveiled at Google’s annual developer event, Google I/O, the company also announced plans to integrate similar capabilities directly into its Assistant within search.

They explained at the time that users would be able to search for something like “create a 3-day meal plan that is easy to prepare,” and they would get a wide range of recipes across the web.

“The vast majority of AI responses deliver high-quality information, supplemented with links for further exploration on the web,” a Google spokesperson stated to CNBC. “Most of the errors we encountered involved uncommon queries, and some examples appeared to be tampered with or could not be reproduced.”

The spokesperson said that this feature had undergone extensive testing before launch and that the company was taking “swift action where appropriate under our content policies.”

Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and other companies are at the forefront of the AI race. Businesses across various industries are rapidly integrating chatbots and AI-powered agents to stay competitive. The market is projected to reach $1 trillion in revenue within the next decade.


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