Trying to calm your nerves can be a frustrating process. You don’t want to feel anxious all of the time, but you can’t seem to control it. While there are medications for anxiety, they come with many side effects that you may be unwilling to risk. Additionally, they may not help. Anxiety isn’t like diabetes, where you can take the right medicine and feel better. Anxiety medicine is a process of trial and error.

Here are three ideas to potentially calm your nerves, reduce pain and get better sleep as a result. While two of the ideas involve taking a supplement, they are not medications and do not require a prescription.

1. Treat the underlying problem.

Body pain and health issues can often lead to anxiety and nervousness that interfere with your daily routine and activities. The best way to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety is to treat the underlying medical issue. For example, tendonitis is inflammation in the tendons, which leads to pain and discomfort. CBD oil for tendonitis can help reduce inflammation, reduce pain and irritation, and effectively calm the nerves.

Nerve pain, chronic pain, arthritis, joint pain, swelling, weakened immune system, numbness, nerve damage, high blood pressure, tennis elbow, and irritation can all cause anxiety due to the physical stress they cause in the body. These can all be alleviated to some degree by CBD products. If you are uncomfortable or not interested in trying CBD oil, you can try CBD gummies, capsules, edible, tincture, salve, balm, lotion, or cream. You can ingest it or use it topically depending on the product you purchased.

2. Try natural supplements.

In addition to CBD products, other natural supplements can help calm your nerves regardless of what is causing the anxiety. Nerve Control 911 is a dietary supplement that you take daily to reduce anxiety over time. It has all-natural ingredients like marshmallow root, prickly pear, and passionflower. Made by Phytage Labs, the formula is based on extensive research. Phytage Labs makes other 911 products designed to reduce chronic pain and inflammation and calm the central nervous system.

Natural supplements can sometimes also help with insomnia when caused by nerves. Likewise, if the insomnia is caused by chronic pain and anxiety, supplements or CBD products can help with both and reduce sleepless nights. Nerve Control doesn’t work like pain medicine, but rather, it works like a dietary supplement, so you need to take it daily. It will take a get it in the bloodstream and throughout the human body. The antioxidant factor of some of the ingredients will also help strengthen the immune system and reduce various ailments. You can check the Nerve Control official website for more information on the product, side effects, and potential pain relief.

3. Learn mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that teaches the individual to stay in the present moment. It is taught and utilized in hospitals all over the country and throughout the world as it has been found to effectively reduce symptoms and calm the patient lessening their recovery time. Meditation does not take away chronic pain, but it can reduce the perception of it. Patients report positive pain management, anti-inflammatory properties, new sensations throughout their bodies, and calmer nerves.

The research on the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for pain management is diverse and has been developing over several decades. Based on the study of neuroplasticity, doctors have found that patients can calm their nerves and reduce chronic pain by retraining their brains and altering their focus. Meditation can lower blood pressure, improve nerve health, and alleviate the symptoms of many medical conditions.

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