5 Things to do Bfore you Start College

High school is tough because you are under the constant pressure of getting good grades, preparing for SATS and making the best possible cover letter for the admission process of the college of your dreams. You are probably rummaging through the internet to find the best prep materials possible to prepare you for the upcoming exams. You don’t need to worry though, because sites like Exam Genius will guide you in choosing the best prep materials for PSAT and SAT examinations

However, students often understand that it is finally ending and they won’t be getting this time back again. So here are a few things you can do in the last things days of your high school and carrying them on in the last summer before college.

1. Attend those events and parties of high school

Studies are important also crucial however it is necessary to take a break every once in a while and other things. For instance, go to your high school prom, buy a dress for that, do makeup and dress up completely even if you don’t have a date. You and your friends can have tons of fun and make good memories. Also, you go to the school games and support your school team, attend those events that are arranged for seniors last week and actively take part in them. Don’t forget to attend a wild part of the popular ones because even though you will be able to go to college parties but they won’t compare to these.

2. Go on a road trip

Once you graduate plan a road trip with your friends. It can be a weekend, week or even month long. You can travel to the state, go on an international trip or just to another city to attend a concert you wanted to go to. You can go in a plane, open roof car, jeep or a bus

A few tips: don’t overpack take less essential, last-minute plans are the best and take loads of photos of every single moment. This trip will help you make precious memories and also strengthen the bond of your friendship.

3. Take a risk

Now, this does not mean you fall off the edge of the mountain for a thrill. You can also do safe things like sky diving, paragliding or go into a club with a fake id.

You can easily get a fake id via a website however be sure to ensure that your fake id of a different sate then the start you are in for example if you are in Florida your fake id California will be the best option. This will make you much less suspicious to the bouncer. Also, be confident and if the police turn up throwaway your id in a corner somewhere no one can find and say nothing they can’t charge you for something you never did. 

This risk will give you a rush of energy and excitement. Many people say that they used it responsibly and ended up making some of the best memories of their life with that fake id.

4. Take up a summer part-time job and be lazy

In the first few months of college life, you won’t be able to get a job because you will be too busy settling into a new dorm room, house and college classes. So take up a summer job and save up some money for your expenses because you will need to have fun.  Also, take this time to relax and get all the naps you have been missing because of studies. You will get the rosy cheeks and get rid of the filthy dark circles before college. You surely want to look at your best stepping into a new stage of life like a boss.

5. Socialize

Don’t spend this cooped up in your house go out to meet your friends and if you love social media you can even connect to the peers who will be in your college. Almost everyone these days has a Facebook id and it is always good to have familiar faces in a new place.

Enjoy this time because the drama is over and here comes the chance for you to change things and be a completely different person then you were before that.


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