Hemp is one of the most popular, super-crops with a plethora of uses. And, with its federal legalization that was long overdue, the hemp industry has seen an instant boom in its production.

Hemp produces in all environments; however, the only exception is extreme desert conditions and steep mountains. The most favorable conditions for growing hemp are warm weather and well-drained soil rich in organic materials.

If you want to know more about hemp, we have compiled a list of few commonly asked questions along with their answers. Have a look at them:

Ques: What is the difference between marijuana and hemp?

Ans: While both hemp and marijuana grow by joining through the stem from the hip, but they possess different properties. Also, both come from the cannabis genus, but there’s a difference between the two:

  • Hemp:  Hemp is one of the other varieties of cannabis, which contain 0.3% or less THC content. Also, hemp can be used for a variety of purposes where marijuana cannot. This includes skin products, dietary supplements, clothing, and more. 
  • Marijuana: Marijuana is used to define various other varieties of cannabis containing more than 0.3% THC. It can also induce euphoric and psychotropic effects on the people who use it. Unlike hemp, marijuana varieties grow in a selective environment.

Ques: What Type Of Equipment Or Materials Is Used To Produce Hemp?

Ans: While most hemp farming equipment and devices are the same as that of other varieties, some temperature settings or other minor adaptations are needed to grow hemp. For hemp production, the hemp farmer first put harvest through hemp and bucking.

The stalks then undergo decorating and retting for further processing. Just keep in mind that the hemp flowers are quite delicate and can fall apart.

Besides, the manufacturing process includes cultivation and harvesting, grain processing, fiber processing, packaging, papermaking, and more.

Ques: What Type Of Soil Is Ideal For Hemp Manufacturing?

Ans: Hemp doesn’t need high-quality soil, but there are some ideal conditions you need to follow for its growth. Hemp is grown on flat fields at hot days& cold nights, good percolation, lots of water, and nutrients. Also, the pH level of the soil should be 6.0 and 7.0. Keep in mind that hemp doesn’t grow on soils that contain heavy clay content. Also, hemp is sensitive to soil compaction and crusting.

Ques: What Is The Ideal Climate To Grow Hemp?

Ans: Hemp needs hot temperatures and cold winter to grow. Also, there should be a humid atmosphere and should have soil temperature between 46-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, crop spacing is very important and is highly determined. Also, you can grow hemp on the same land for many years; just make sure that you keep rotating with other crops.

Ques: How Many People/Labor You Would Need To Produce Hemp?

Ans: The labor that goes in hemp production depends on farming style and farming operations. For instance, the hemp that grows in Canada or Europe operates mostly through machines. However, the U.S hemp is mostly orchard-style and is labor driven.

Ques: How Hemp Is Sold After Harvest? Is It Pre-Selling Or Selling After Harvest?

Ans: While manufacturing units do most farming, pre-selling and after-selling depend on the financial needs of both farmers and production units.

Ques: What Is The Most Common Issue That May Arise When Growing Hemp?

Ans: One of the biggest issues you can expect while growing hemp is that the weeds that have to be removed after some time. This has to be done when the weed is young and small. Else, they will cover the whole seedlings and can cause a poising threat to the plant. Moreover, for this, the farmers have to use a hand-weed method to remove weeds manually. Hemp is one of the most profitable businesses, but its profitability depends on the type of cannabis plant you choose and your purpose of farming.

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