5 Cool Things to Do With Your Girlfriend

Cool Things to Do With Your Girlfriend
In this list find some ideas of things to do with your Girlfriend

  1. Prepare the dinner together. You can’t imagine how romantic it is to cook a meal with your partner. Go to the grocery store and pick out your ingredients and then head for your kitchen. It will be really nice to open a bottle of wine and take your time preparing a meal to remember.
  2. Read together. Find a book that interests you both and take turns reading it aloud to each other. Have a discussion about the book when you’re done.
  3. Go camping. Show your woman how to rough it by taking her on a camping trip. Explore nature while you’re out in the woods. Go for a long bike ride or a hike and look for interesting birds and butterflies. Pick wildflowers along the way.
  4. Take a walk down memory lane. Take your girlfriend to her hometown and do a tour of special places from her past. Drive to the home she grew up in, the schools she went to, it will be more romantic to take her after that to your hometown and do the same.
  5. Go shopping together. Most men hate to shop and women know it. But by accompanying your girl to the mall you can get a good taste of what she likes to shop for, which can come in handy when it’s gift-giving time

More Ideas:
Go to a photo studio and have your portrait taken together. It will be a lifetime memory of your happy relationship and it may come in handy some day in the future.


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