Any savvy business person is well aware of how important it is to have a great stand at a trade show, as you can introduce yourself to new customers and really make an amazing first impression. While having an eye-catching product or service is one way to get noticed in the crowd, another way is to make sure you have a good supply of freebies! Attendees will see dozens and dozens of stands over the course of the day, but they love getting free branded items to take home with them.
If you wish to ensure that your brand logo is plastered on cool items that attendees will actually use, then check out these five ideas for what to hand out at a trade show.
5. Items for hot weather
When spring and summer roll around, there are many cool items that people will use again and again. We’re talking about items for the beach and park, such as flip-flops, sunglasses, blankets, water bottles, and even Frisbees! These items will definitely go quickly from your stand, as they are everyday things that people like to use, especially if they are free! Conversely, a branded umbrella is a great idea for when it’s autumn and winter time.
4. Writing materials
Some people might say that pens and paper are not so important anymore, as phones and laptops have overtaken the need to physically write things down. However, there are still times when you’ll still need to write a note or a list of sorts, and doing this by hand is often quicker and easier. Notebooks and pens will always be taken, as people always seem to need them (pens manage to get lost all the time). Business stationery stores have these items, but it’s usually better to get them online at a better price.
3. Smartphone accessory
Due to the fact that pretty much everyone at the trade show will be carrying around a smartphone, you may as well cater to them and give out some cool accessories. Things like PopSockets are beginning to trend and become hugely popular, so make sure you’ve got some with your logo printed on them. Phone cases are also a good idea, as many people still don’t have one and certainly won’t refuse a free gift. USB mobile chargers will definitely be a big hit, as no one ever seems to have a charger when they need one.
2.Metal straws
We all have to protect our planet and be eco-friendly, so even small steps count! Bringing your own flask to a coffee shop instead of using a takeaway cardboard cup helps to stop waste, but another way is to use a reusable metal straw. These too can be branded and are far better than plastic straws, which simply get used once and are thrown away.
1. Small items for handbags and backpacks
Finally, if you have tiny items that people can always have in their bags wherever they go, you have a much better chance of being remembered in the future! If you have some things like microfiber cloths, mints in a tin box, and USB flash drives, it’s definitely hard to turn down such useful little items, as they will always get used at some point.
If your trade show stand has all these items, then you’re bound to be the best of the bunch! Remember to keep smiling, be energetic and friendly, as well as taking the time to answer any questions from attendees. Some flyers and business cards would also be a good idea, but the main thing is to make people feel welcome and comfortable when they visit your stand.