Many people only interact with lawyers for the first time when they get involved in an accident. They may not be aware of the general claims process or how to obtain compensation for an injury.

Rosengard Law Group assists you in the claims process and prosecutes the parties responsible for your injuries. Have you ever been injured due to the acts of another person? Whether due to an accident or an intentional act, you deserve compensation. 

Pursuing A Claim

Do you know what to do as soon as the injury occurs? Here are the steps you should follow.

 First, you should seek immediate medical attention. Even if the injury doesn’t seem dangerous at that time, proper medical treatment can discover any hidden damage.

Second, call the police to the scene of the accident. The police must submit an incident report of any situation involving an injury. 

Third, be very careful when talking with the defendant’s insurance representative. 

Reasons to call a personal Injury Attorney

An injury can arise from anywhere, whether in your daily activities or when interacting with other people.

If you have a reason to file a claim with the law, there is no time to lose. Here we are reasons to call a lawyer.

Your Injuries Could Get Complicated

Sometimes when people crash or suffer an injury, they don’t give it importance. They underestimate the incident, which only complicates things.

 At first, many injuries appear to be minor and then complicated. With this, your condition can worsen dramatically. 

If you don’t file your claim on time, there will be no way to face the problem with justice on your side. Therefore, always call your lawyer. Do not neglect any “small” injury.

There Is A Deadline To Submit Your Claim

Time is essential in all personal injury claims. There is a statute of limitations of two years for all personal injury claims. If you don’t file your claim within the expiration period, your legal options diminish.

Gathering The Evidence Can Take Time

To start working on your case, your lawyer needs proof. Accumulating evidence does not usually happen overnight. But it could take weeks and even months.  

If you start the process immediately, it will be more feasible to file your claim with the authorities before the expiration date. 

Also, your witnesses can explain the facts more clearly. Many small details are easy to forget over time.

Preparing A Legal Strategy Also Takes Time

A lawyer needs time to carefully analyze all the evidence you offer and the variables to take into account. Once all the letters are on the table, the lawyer will evaluate the options you have before the law.

The lawyer then detects which one will help you win more compensation before preparing the legal claim.

If you wait too long to start the process, your lawyer will have less time to work and present a solid case. Lack of time could mean that the claim fails to prove what happened, which may result in less compensation.