Personal Injury claims: In What Circumstances You Can File A Claim

Personal Injury

Registering a civil litigation is a pretty common thing and made in abundance every year in USA. And, a bulk of these civil litigation lawsuits is presented on account of personal injuries that is an episode of every day in the United States. Out of all the lawsuits, utmost of them fail to defend the claim, while others are compensated by a rational claim amount. The contrast between a disappointed claim and a prosperous settlement is a personal injury attorney, those who endeavor support of them get remunerated, those who don’t, taste the wrath of the judicial system.

A concise glimpse at the statistics by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration unveils the precise estimate of road accidents.

  • Every year in the USA, 5.5 million critical and trivial car collisions transpire.
  • Out of the accidents, 3 million are forbidden by the hand of god and stay alive sustaining rigorous or minute injuries.
  • But unfortunately, 40,000 citizens don’t appear to be so blessed and they lose their lives afterward the mishap.
  • Proceeding to trucks, 60,000 accidents ending in extreme or insignificant injuries occurred due to big trucks on the road.
  • Also, these trucks claimed 5000 lives every year.
  • Just when you thought that road accident are the sole reasons for personal injuries, the data revealed that for 300,000 personal injuries out of all construction sites are to be blamed,
  • Also, per year 1,000 deaths were claimed by construction sites mishaps.
  • Crawling further, medical malpractice is believed to be the second runner-up, claiming 98,000 lives every year.

However, not every victim is bold or courageous enough to register a personal injury lawsuit. Maybe, the unfortunate and wobbly financial status is the reason or the nonexistence of a personal injury attorney limits them. Yet, some possess indomitable bravery to file a personal injury lawsuit and hire a personal injury attorney to assist them in the case.

Here is a record of statistics by  U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics  showcasing the no. of personal injury lawsuit filed in USA

  • Out of all personal injury lawsuits 52% involved a motor vehicle accidents.
  • Also, the second most blames were related to medical malpractices. Approximately about 15%.
  • Last but not the least, 5% personal injuries involved product liability litigations.

When can you file a claim:

  1. Long term or permanently disabling injuries: Some accident result in minor injuries but that doesn’t mean you will file a lawsuit for it. While others result in permanent injuries, at such times you’re eligible to file a claim.
  2. Medical malpractices: When you suffer injuries or other problems due to the negligence of medical practitioners using wrong practices or using improper tools, deteriorating your health adversely.
  3. Road Accidents: Road accidents that happen due to negligence while driving. Drivers talking on the phone while driving, drunk driving or other violation of traffic rights. You can just note the number and lodge a complaint in police about it and then file a lawsuit.