Here’s When You Need to Call an SEO Company

Does your business depend on web traffic to get customers? Do you want to grow your web presence or strengthen your relationship with existing customers? It might be time to consider hiring a search engine optimization (SEO) agency.

But can’t you do SEO yourself? While yes, you might be able to do a lot of SEO for your site by yourself, it’s not as easy or as simple as throwing a few keywords into your content. You might need to call an SEO company when you’re not sure what to do to optimize your website “under the hood,” so to speak. When your website isn’t getting a lot of traffic, or you’re doing a redesign or migration, you need the help of an SEO agency. Here’s when you should call an SEO professional.

You Need Help with Technical SEO

While you may be able to manage to write content for your site’s blog or incorporate search keywords into your landing page copy on your own, you might need help adjusting metadata and writing meta descriptions, implementing schema markup, or activating canonicalization. There’s no shame in needing help with the technical aspects of SEO.

You’re Not Getting Enough Traffic or Not as Much as You Once Did

Whether you’ve always had low traffic or you’ve recently experienced a sharp decline in traffic, you need to talk to an SEO professional. Low traffic tells search algorithms that your content isn’t very interesting or valuable and isn’t worth ranking high in search engine results pages (SERPs), and may require a multi-pronged approach to correct. A sharp decline in traffic can mean a lot of things, including seasonal patterns, a change in the algorithm, or a technical problem with your website.

You Need New Content for Your Blog and Social Media

Many marketing companies use white label SEO agencies to provide their clients with services like content creation, keyword research, metrics reporting, and other SEO services. Content creation is one of the biggest reasons why business owners turn to SEO professionals. You should have a blog on your website and you should keep it regularly updated with a stream of fresh optimized content. But that means you need a stream of new content. Even if you start out posting content you create yourself, you can only get so many ideas for blog posts.

An SEO professional can also help you generate content for social media. That can be important for your SEO because it can be an opportunity to create backlinks, gain visibility for your brand, and interact with your customers. But again, you can only come up with so many post ideas on your own.

You’re Doing a Site Redesign or Migration

A site redesign or migration can seriously affect your ranking in SERPs. Whenever you’re changing the design, layout, URL structure, or CMS platform of your website, there’s the potential for your SEO to go sideways. An SEO agency can help you mitigate the risks of doing a site migration or redesign, both during and after the changes.

Your Site’s Not Getting Indexed by Google

Not getting indexed by Google is a serious problem for your SEO. It’s not something you should try to troubleshoot yourself. It could be that Google thinks your site is spammy or plagiarized, or that you’ve been trying to manipulate the search algorithm. You need a qualified professional to troubleshoot the problem and fix it for you.

This is also true if you need to reverse a manual action. A manual action will be placed on your site if someone at Google reviews it and determines that it’s deliberately spammy or that it attempts to manipulate the algorithm. Reversing a manual action is a delicate process that involves correcting all of the SEO mistakes on your site and persuading Google that you’ll use best practices in the future. It’s best handled by a professional.

You’re an SEO Novice

If you don’t know how to do SEO, you’re probably better off deferring to someone with experience. You can teach yourself a lot online, but there’s a lot of bad advice out there too. If you’re not careful, you could tank your website’s chances of success permanently.

Could an SEO agency help you get more traffic to your business website? It sure could! Hiring an SEO company is a good choice for many small businesses looking to increase website traffic. It’s definitely much easier than trying to puzzle out the secrets of SEO yourself.


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