Have you recently set up an all new, state-of-the-art home theater system? Are you ready to sit down and enjoy all the high-tech electronics you now have in your home? Did you suddenly notice that something is “off?” Did you make any mistakes?

If you tried to handle the installation on your own, there’s a good chance you may have – especially if you have never done this before. The best way to avoid mistakes when it comes to installing a new home theater is to get to know what the most common ones are.

Here you can learn about the most common home theater mistakes, which will ensure you can avoid them, saving yourself quite a bit of time and frustration along the way. After all, who wants to do all the work of setting up their new equipment for it to not work properly?

Mistake 1: Purchasing the Wrong Size TV

 Who doesn’t want a huge television? Today, the average screen size purchased by consumers is 55 inches. However, an extremely large television set isn’t the right option for all rooms.

Not only do you need to consider the size of your shelving, you also have to consider how far away from the television you can sit. For example, for a 55-inch television you need to sit approximately six to eight feet away from the screen.

Be sure to consider this carefully to make sure you get a television that is right for your room and setup.

Mistake 2: Purchasing the Wrong Speakers

 When purchasing a home theater system, one of the most important components (besides the screen) is the sound system, or speakers. When looking for cheap bookshelf speakers, or any other type of speakers, you need to make sure you consider how many are really needed.

If the room where your home theater is located is relatively small, then you don’t need massive speakers – this is overkill. On the other hand, while small cube speakers may seem trendy, they aren’t going to be able to fill a large room with quality sound. Be sure to keep this in mind as you search for the perfect speakers for your new home theater setup.

Mistake 3: Too Much Natural Light

The lighting in your room will have a huge effect on the video projector or TV viewing experience. While the majority of TVs will do fine in a room that is semi-lit, darker is better – this is especially true if you are planning to use a video projector.

As a general rule-of-thumb, you should never put your television on the opposite wall to windows. If you have curtains over the windows, be sure they can block out all the light for a superior viewing experience.

Another consideration is the surface of your television. There are some TVs that have an anti-reflective or a matte surface that will minimize the room light reflections coming from lamps, windows and other sources of ambient light.

Make sure you consider the light in the space quickly to figure out how to optimize the image produced by the television or the video projector.

Mistake 4: Forgetting to Budget for Necessary Accessories and Cables

 A home theater mistake that is made all the time is not including funds in your budget for the necessary accessories and cable.

In most cases, you will need to replace the cheaply made cables that come with VCRs, DVD players and televisions with higher quality, more heavy-duty options. The cabling that is more heavy-duty will provide much better shielding from any potential interference. It will also be better equipped to stand up to physical abuse that may take place.

However, keep in mind, just because you should upgrade your cables, it doesn’t mean you have to purchase the most expensive options out there. You can choose quality cabling products for reasonable prices.

Mistake 5: The Creation of the Cable and Wire Spiderweb

Every time you opt to add more components to your home theater, it means that there will be more cables and wires to contend with. At some point, it is going to become difficult to keep track of what is connected – especially if you are trying to move the different components or find a troublesome cable.

Three tips to help you avoid this situation include:

  • Be sure each cable is not too long; however, be sure they are long enough to provide easy access to the components.
  • Use colored tape to label the cables, or other markings so you know what each cord is.
  • Utilize a wireless connection when possible.

Mistake 6: Not Reading Your Equipment User Manuals

If you are like most people, you may believe you can set your home theater up without ever having to consult the manual. Regardless of how easy the process may seem, it is always a great idea to read the manual for the components – try to do this before you even take anything out of the box. Take some time to become familiar with the connections and the functions before you try to hook or set-up anything.

There are more and more home theater components that are also providing e-manuals, which can be accessed through the internet. This can be beneficial if you don’t want to read the paperwork that actually came with your new devices and components.

Avoiding Mistakes with Your Home Theater Installation

If you want to avoid the most common mistakes when you are ready to install a new home theater system, the best thing you can do is get to know what they are. The information here provides you with a pretty good overview of what you need to keep in mind when setting up your own home theater.

If all else fails, call in the professionals. They will be able to make short work of the installation process and ensure everything is working properly before leaving. In the long run, being informed will help to save you time, money, energy and quite a bit of frustration when it comes to setting up a home theater.

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