How A New Roof Can Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Do you think about what your roof does for you? Yes, its most important job is to keep the elements, like rain or snow, out of your home. Did you know that it can also help or hurt you when it comes to energy efficiency? Yes, according to This Old House, 90% of homes in America used air conditioning back in 2020. An old roof could wind up making that air conditioner work harder than it should. A new one could make your home much more energy efficient. Here’s how:

Updated Shingles Can Reflect The Sun’s Rays

In the past, asphalt shingles used to absorb the rays of the sun and heat up. That made people have to increase the use of air conditioners and fans to keep cool during those brutally hot summer days. As a result, energy bills would spike around that time. Now, newer asphalt shingles, which are also known as Energy Star-rated ones, are much better at reflecting the rays, keeping the house cooler and not requiring the extensive use of air conditioning or fans.

Your new roof doesn’t necessarily have to use asphalt shingles. Metal roofs are also energy efficient, they do an excellent job of reflecting the sun, which will cool your place. Also, this is a fantastic way of getting money back if you get it before you put it on the market. For example, according to Home365, a new roof can yield a return on investment (ROI) of up to 85%. A potential home buyer would love to be able to get a place with a new metal roof and would be willing to pay more than the original asking price.

New Roofs Can Improve Ventilation

Your new roof could make your place more energy efficient thanks to its ventilation. The roofing contractors will be vigilant when it comes to installing the tiles or shingles. The structure of this new roof will allow the air to flow much more smoothly, which will keep your attic from becoming like a sauna during those brutal hot days, and allow you to feel comfortable when you’re relaxing inside on a cold wintry day or a hot summery one.

The Colors Can Make a Difference

When you get your new roof you can think about what color tiles you want. Are you in a place where the weather is consistently on the warmer to hotter side? You might want to think about light-colored ones since those will reflect the sun. On the other hand, if you’re in a place that consistently gets cold temperatures, then you’re better off getting dark-colored tiles since they can absorb the sun and help keep your house warm during that time.

Other Thoughts

Your new roof can do a lot for you besides help save you money on your energy bills. It can help your place improve the overall neighborhood. You want it to stay that way, which is why it’s a good idea to have a professional regularly inspect it and perform maintenance. That way, you can keep the benefits of energy efficiency. One thing you could do in between inspections is to walk around your yard and see what your roof looks like from a distance. If you notice tiles or shingles missing, you can call the pros.

These asphalt roofs can last a long time. According to Bob Vila, they should last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. So you can enjoy the energy savings for a long time. It’ll be interesting to see how the manufacturers improve it even more over the coming decades.

You can start enjoying the benefits of your new roof as soon as it’s installed. Saving money on energy bills is going to be a relief, almost as much as your newly-efficient air conditioner or heater. You’ll quickly see that it was all worth it.


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