How AI Can Improve Your Business’s Marketing

Most businesses know that an effective marketing campaign will likely include a digital element. For many companies, that digital element is enhanced by using AI (artificial intelligence) features. Companies worldwide are finding their routine tasks, such as printing daily reports, assessing inventory, and generating monthly email promotions, efficiently done by AI. When you contemplate the potential role of AI for your company, here are some things you may want to consider:

AI Trend Predictions

Statistics show the value of AI use in social media marketing is predicted to reach $12 billion before 2031. According to Quixby, AI is expected to generate more than 2 million jobs – with AI development and machine learning creating the most significant number of jobs. The same website predicts that, by the end of 2024, chatbots will generate over $9 million through applications for customer service and sales. Perhaps the most exciting usages of AI will come in the healthcare industry, with advances in diagnostics, pharmaceutics, and medical treatments.

AI Use in Social Media

Because so many people use social media, it’s easy to see why so many companies use AI capabilities on their social media platforms. After all, according to social media power influencer Neal Schaffer, recent reports have shown over 90% of brands have gained new clients via social media. Anyone who uses Facebook can attest to AI-produced advertising on that platform. By tracking the online activity of prospective clients, AI can automatically generate corresponding ads on those clients’ social media pages.

AI Use in Content Writing

Companies needing assistance with content writing are increasingly finding that assistance with AI. This has proven especially true with companies that try to gain an edge in SEO (search engine optimization) and rise to the top of Google search results. Form letters, promotional emails, and routine client correspondence like birthday remembrances or seasonal greetings can be composed by AI and save the efforts of the company’s content writing staff.

AI in Data Analytics

With the use of AI, today’s companies can analyze the actions of visitors to their websites, including their purchase history. They can combine that history with their knowledge of current trends to predict future client purchase selections. AI can also glean user information from online client reviews, customer forums, and industry intelligence reports.

AI Use in Sales and Marketing

According to Upwork, a typical sales representative spends only 30% of their time engaged in actual sales because the necessary activities that lead to sales occupy the remaining 70% of their time. By using AI to perform some of those sales-generating activities, a company’s sales force can gain valuable time, which can be used for more sales. AI can alert salespeople to visitors to the company’s website, as well as which content pages each visitor accesses. The salesperson would then have customized information to formulate the ideal sales approach for that potential lead.

AI for Use in Cybersecurity

As part of the overall rise of technology, cybercriminals have now developed more sophisticated ways to steal valuable company and client information. AI tools can immediately detect and repel these intruders before they can breach your firewall. If your websites are breached, an AI tool can help to remediate damage before it can amount to significant data or security loss. AI can also detect the presence of bots – which have the potential to effect account theft with the use of counterfeit credentials.

Your business represents your investment in your future. You may be willing to give 100% of your effort to your business, but why not take advantage of some of the many ways that AI can take care of some of your routine tasks? According to U.S. Small Business Administration statistics, 20% of small businesses close before operating for a year. If you don’t want to be one of those closed businesses, you’ll grasp your future opportunities with the help of AI.


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