The modern world has continues to prove hard enough for parents. It is not easy to keep them safe.
The modern world has continues to prove hard enough for parents. It is not easy to keep them safe.
The world at large is dangerous enough to them. And to make matters worse, the online world has made it even worse. The modern world is going digital and that is presenting broad and wild frontier which must be policed.
The generation Zers and millennials depend so much on Smartphones and technology. Most of them would feel lost where they stay long without any connection.
Since the introduction of iPhones in 2007, the online world has become crowded with young people. Many of them are oblivious of the dangers looming on these networks.
Cybercriminals and bullies are taking advantage of this market. There have been cases of kids have been tracked into their real life and harmed without the knowledge of the parents.
But you can do something about it if you know how to track a cell phone location. And that is where the Cocospy phone tracker comes in handy.
Cocospy application has been accepted and is now respected among leading publications like the PC World, New York Times, Top 10 Reviews, LifeHacker, Forbes, Android Authority, CNET, PCMag, TechRadar, Toms Guide, Digital trends as well as Life Wire. And most of these firms agree that the spy cameras on this iPhone tracking application are really helpful.
Let them know about the dangers
Educate your children about the reality in the online world. There are age-appropriate facts about issues they can encounter online which many may not be aware of.
Some parents only feed their children with unrealistic boogeyman and stranger danger. Yet the dangers on the online platform are more that real. They can meet malicious strangers. But that is not even the real danger. It may begin with people they know.
Apart from that, kids may be frightened by things they see. Such threats can affect them for the rest of their lives. They may bump into such content accidentally.
For older kids, social media is a real threat. Their accounts on these platforms are most likely their source of demise. Many have been caught in hard situations, resulting from excessive use of social media.
Start teaching them as early as possible. Let the understand everything about thoughtful use of online resources. Makes sure they are not posting anything they would be embarrassed of if shared.
Emphasize to them about changing relationships. Even the people you trust may turn against them with time. For this reason, they need to be very careful about sharing sensitive information. Cyber bullying can cause a lot of damage on the self esteem of the users.
You as a parent must understand your own children. You should also have some clue of the online technology. That is how you will understand what and how to tell them.
Watch them closely
It is very important to keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. Use Cocospy phone tracker and other similar apps to keep a track on what you children are up to.
Sometimes it feels utopian to give complete freedom to your children. But it is the best way of giving them proper treatment.
Just like in the real world, you need to be there to see what you children are doing. The app Cocospy mentioned above is one you cannot miss on. It offers a great opportunity to see what they are doing from the palm of your hands.
This is defiantly spying, but it does not matter as long as you mean the best for your children. Use the smartly.
Use any resource you can get
We have already mentioned this above. The Cocospy parental control app for iPhone allows you to control everything on the device of your kids. You can get their current location, monitor what they do online. You don’t even need an app, so they don’t have to know what you are doing.
There restrictions menu
One of the best tools on iPhone is the parental control. These tools are in the restriction menu under settings>general>restriction. Use it to control the apps your kids download, use, and install.
Be reasonable
You should also be considerate about your rules. Be reasonable in a good way. You cannot be their friends with such rules, but you can let them play along and be your friends. Explain why everything you are doing is for their good.Follow these tips and you will not have any problem with your kids.