In order to protect personal funds on a bank card, each of us uses a four-digit digital combination called a PIN code. This code is entered when withdrawing cash from an ATM or at some outlets when making purchases. But what to do if a person is not lucky, and he forgot the pin code from a bank card?

How to change the PIN code on a bank card?

Various banks offer several options on how you can recover your PIN or change it to a new one. Usually this can be done at a bank branch, in the mobile application to which this card is linked, at the ATM itself, or you can call the hotline of the call center of the bank where you are served.

In some banks, customers are issued a plastic card with a ready-made code that you just need to remember. In others, a person can compose it on his own. One way or another, but this is secret information, which in no case should be disclosed to strangers. Even bank employees are not allowed to know your PIN code in order to avoid theft of funds from your account.

If you are afraid to forget the combination, you still should not carry a piece of paper on which it will be written down. After all, we are all human. You can easily lose your paper. And then your money in the account will be at risk. After all, someone can not only find your card, but also the key to it.

Virtual card from WestStein is your reliable assistant in all financial transactions
Despite the fact that there are many ways that allow you to recover a pin code from a bank card, nowadays it is much more reliable to issue a virtual card that will always be with you. A free online account from WestStein is the perfect solution for all your needs. You no longer need to remember the pin code for the card, because you can make all calculations and payments directly through the mobile application. And this, you see, is incredibly convenient and practical for daily use of the card.

WestStein prepaid card together with a virtual account gives everyone the opportunity to:
replenish the account with money transfers;
make secure online purchases;

manage all bank account information through a mobile application.
Forget about old plastic cards and the need to remember the pin code all the time. Now everyone can order a MasterCard prepaid card and get access to a virtual account, which will allow them to no longer carry a card with them, but to perform all kinds of transactions directly from their phone.