How to Look Hot On Your Date

How to Look Hot On Your Date. jpg

So you’ve met an interesting guy and you’ve hit it off. You’ve planned a date together and set the time and the place. That would suggest the hard part is over, right? Maybe. But maybe you have one more worry up your sleeve and that’s how to look hot on your date. You want to be sexy but not overly suggestive and confident without looking uptight. It’s a hard balance to strike. While your exact outfit will depend a lot on where you’re going for your date, there are a few tips we can provide you with that will make you feel sexy and confident.

5Buy new underwear

This rule doesn’t have to have anything to do with sex on the first date (though it can, no judgement!), but buying new underwear can add a whole other element of sexy to your first date, even if you’re the only person who knows about it. New underwear that are well fitting and sexy, that are in your favorite color or design, will give you an awareness of your body and your sexuality that you may not normally have. As an added plus, if things do get hot and heavy, you can be assured you won’t be wearing your granny panties.

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