Five Signs That Tell Your Professor Your Paper Is AI-Generated

Okay, so what do you do when you know in advance that you won’t be able to write an assigned essay on time? That’s right, you’re going to check out reviews and order from the service that suits your needs the best. If you learn that you forgot about the essay completely, and it has to be submitted tomorrow, you can use the same option, albeit the price will be a bit higher. That’s why it’s better to order in advance.

Besides, ordering in advance allows you to check the paper out and request revisions if you find something amiss. But who cares about essay writing services now, right? We’re living in the times of AI writing tools.

In advance or right before the submission, it doesn’t matter anymore, as AI-driven tools can craft a perfect essay within seconds, and you’re going to get good grades. Well, not so fast.

  • GPTZero
  • Copyleaks
  • Winston AI
  • Content at Scale AI Text Detector
  • Originality.AI

Those are the five AI content detectors that ruin your hopes of relying on AI writers. By the way, in some countries, the chances are that you can get expelled for letting artificial intelligence do your homework.

But there ain’t no rule to running academic papers through AI detectors yet. Still, your professor can do it if they find it necessary. This begs the question: how can they tell whether the text is crafted by a human or not?


No matter how well-equipped AI writing tools are to create more or less cohesive and grammatically correct texts, they lack the style of human writers.

Yes, AI can craft an essay that will expand on the issues that you require. Yes, most of the information there is going to be intact. But it lacks style. Aside from the fact that style is one of the criteria that your professor will assess, and you’re not winning here, it clearly shows who or what crafted your paper.

Most AI writing tools fail to use evocative language. And there are so many cases where you can use humor to emphasize certain aspects of your essay.

Also, you need to show off your vocabulary. Besides, metaphors frequently come in handy with academic writing. The style of any AI writing tool is robotic, for the lack of a better word. And that’s a screaming sign for your professor.

Lack of Coherence

Another criterion of academic paper assessment is focus. You know it is better to stay focused on the main idea of your essay than drifting from the topic on every possible occasion. Unfortunately, that’s something that AI essay generators frequently do.

For example, you need an analysis of some novel. The generator will go into extensive details about the author’s biography that have little to nothing to do with the novel.

Sometimes, things get even more funny. For example, you need an essay on climate change, and the AI tool will start your paper by describing what climate is.

If you order from services like MyPaperHelp, you can at least be sure that the author will stay focused on the main aspects of your essay rather than expanding on less relevant things. And your professor won’t get suspicious.

Unlikeness to Your Previous Works

This point can be debatable. Like, hey, when you order from a custom writing service, you may also get an essay that won’t fit in your writing style. But you’re missing two important things here.

First of all, if your professor starts suspecting something, running the essay through an AI detector won’t prove anything. What if you were so impressed by the topic that your writing style changed?

Besides, with some services, customers can request the author to copy their writing style, provided that you share samples of your writing.

You may argue that the same option is available with AI-driven tools, but, firstly, the tools are still not as great at it. Secondly, will likeness to your writing style help when the tool drifts from the topic and has no sense of humor?

Complex Sentence Structures

There’s one interesting peculiarity about AI writing tools. Not that our writing style is the best example here, but just ask yourself which of the following two sentences is closer to your or the average student’s writing style:

  1. By incorporating various sentence types and structures, AI writers can create a sense of pacing and rhythm that enhances the storytelling experience.
  2. To enhance the storytelling experience, AI writers incorporate various sentence types and structures.

An AI writer crafts the first variant. And it’s not just one sentence like that. The example suggests that AI writing tools use different types and structures, while in reality, they generally stick to overly long and complex sentences in passive voice.

Once again, ask yourself whether that resembles a student’s writing style. Your professor will have the same question.

Absence of Typos

Despite the obsession with complex sentence structures and, sometimes, weird word choices, there’s one thing that is quite typical for papers written by humans that AI-crafted papers don’t contain: typos.

Student essays contain typos. This article most likely contains typos. Magazines contain typos. International bestsellers contain typos.

Even when you use things like Grammarly or Language Tool, you can’t avoid the typos completely. The absence of typos, either on its own or on top of other things mentioned in this article, will definitely make your professor suspicious. It may lead to your professor running your paper through one or several AI detectors.

Final Thoughts

Paper Is AI Generated

It’s quite obvious why students opt to use AI writing tools: they craft papers within seconds. Yet, the quality of the papers often leaves much to be desired. Besides, if you want to get all the features, you must opt for a paid subscription. And you cannot submit the paper as such, as AI detectors will flag it.

In other words, AI tools are great for drafting. And if you want to delegate your writing to someone else, it’s better to opt for a human writer.


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