Are you preparing to propose a divorce? Do you have the adequate documents to obtain an edge over your partner? Are you in touch with a business law firm? If the answer to all these certain questions is a NO, consider a second opinion again before you file a divorce. Think about how you’re going to support yourself after divorce. Do you think he/she will let you use the profits from the business for yourself following the divorce? NO. Make sure you’ve all the earning information records before you whisper about your aims of divorce to your spouse.
Divorce is a negative emotion that hinders the reasoning aptitudes of a person. Hence, don’t get caught and make a wise judgment before and after divorce with the help of a good business law attorney. Learn about your financial status and set your cards right.
Here are few things that you should do before you set off to file a divorce.
1.Hire a divorce attorney:
Emotions play a major role in blocking your conscious, restricting you from making a wise decision regarding divorce. Hence, it’s advised in the best of your interest to appoint an attorney who can guide you before and after the divorce. But, it’s on you to find the best suitable lawyer for yourself, no one else is gonna do the same for you. Now, what should you be doing and looking for? So, the answer is, interview at least 3 lawyers, you can exceed three but not less than that before you hire one. Go with a seasoned lawyer with at least 5 to 8 years of quality experience. Find a lawyer who is more focused on a collaborative outcome but can fight on your side when the need be. The process of divorce can be time-consuming and equally expensive hence, look for an attorney who can make it quick and clean.
2.Know your financial status
In order to sustain your life comfortably after divorce if you’re not planning to remarry is to know how much your spouse owns. The visible assets and the non-visible asset of your spouse is a must to know that is supposed to be divided equally in the settlement. This process will take place in two steps- Visible, non-visible asset. You have to find all the documents that can proof the earning. Visible assets like car, house, money in bank account, business, and other owned assets. Non-visible assets like hidden bank accounts, insurance policies, fixed deposits, secretly owned lands and houses etc.
3.Proof of Income
Your spouse can deny your litigation anytime about their income estimates that you are suggesting, even when it’s totally valid and you won’t get a penny. Hence, having some legitimate record or documented proof of your spouse’s earning that even the judiciary can’t deny will give you an edge over your spouse and make the divorce smoother for you.
Get his credit report if you can get it, that will help you determine their income.
Hope you benefit from the blog and make the best suitable decision for yourself.