A slab leak is something no homeowner wants to deal with. They are difficult to diagnose and repair, and can be very expensive. Slab leaks occur when there is a crack in one of the pipes that runs through your home’s concrete foundation. The pipe breaks and water seeps into the ground underneath and around the foundation. If a slab leak is not immediately diagnosed and repaired, it can do thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home and property.

Symptoms of a Slab Leak

It is important that a slab leak is diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible to mitigate damage to your home and property. Put together by plumbers in Dallas, if you notice any of the following symptoms of a slab leak, call a professional plumber right away:

  • Unusually high water bill: If you suddenly have a higher-than-average water bill without explanation, you may have a slab leak. A high water bill is often the first sign of a serious plumbing problem and can cost homeowners thousands of dollars.
  • Sound of running water: If you hear what sounds like water running when no faucets are on, you may have a plumbing leak or a slab leak. Be mindful of where you hear this (i.e. kitchen, bathroom, downstairs, or outside). Call a plumber and tell them what you hear.
  • Wet spots on the flooring: If you notice unexplained wet spots or dampness on your flooring, it could be a sign of a slab leak. There are various pipes that run underneath your flooring, and if one cracks, it can damage your floors from the bottom up.
  • Mold or mildew: Mold or mildew gathering around the baseboards of your home or on your flooring can also be a sign of a slab leak. Even if you don’t see a leak, moisture can quickly invade your home from the foundation and cause mold and mildew growth.

If you notice any of these symptoms of a slab leak, you should call a plumbing professional as soon as possible. Slab leaks do not go away on their own, and over time, they can compromise the safety and structure of your home.

Will Homeowners Insurance Help Pay for Slab Leak Repair?

Because slab leaks are notoriously damaging and expensive, you may be wondering if your homeowners insurance will help pay for repairs. Unfortunately, there is no generalized answer to this question. It depends on your homeowners insurance policy, coverage, and what caused the leak.

There are two types of homeowners insurance that may apply to slab leak repairs:

  • Personal Property Coverage: Personal property coverage generally pays for repair damage to personal property inside your home. If the slab leak causes damage to your furniture, your personal property coverage may help pay to have it cleaned or replaced.
  • Dwelling Coverage: Dwelling coverage is coverage that pays for repairs to your home’s structure. In the event of a slab leak, it may help pay for repairs, such as removing the slab and replacing it. It likely will not pay for repairs to the plumbing itself.

Keep in mind that you may have to pay a deductible before your homeowners insurance kicks in. If you think you have a slab leak, or have already talked to a plumber, call your insurance agent and discuss your options.

Take Action if You Suspect a Slab Leak

If you need slab leak repair, call a professional plumber. A professional has tools and equipment that diagnose your plumbing problem. Having a professional accurately diagnose a slab leak will ensure that you have options for repairs. This will take the “guess work” out of your situation and provide you with an accurate idea of what is needed and how much it costs. Ultimately, this saves you time and money in the long run.

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