Many people are often affected by tooth decay but they don’t have an idea as to how it comes about. Pain and the impact of a cavity in teeth can cause many patients to frequently go to dentists’ office seeking an alternative treatment. One of the things that lead to dental cavities is a poor oral hygiene routine. You need to follow the correct oral hygiene routine to prevent tooth decay which often leads to cavities.

You should also get dental checkups from professional dentists like those present in the Falcon Dental Group to get the best wellness plan and oral hygiene practices that will help protect your teeth and make them strong. But, even before you develop a tooth cavity, you can use preventive care to keep the cavities away. Below are 4 signs that you may have a cavity that will help you know if you are endangering your dental health

1.    Toothache and pain

One of the common signs of a tooth cavity is a toothache which causes discomfort whenever you bite down on food. The pain is as a result of the tooth enamel being infected and corroded, leading to pain. Tooth corrosion can be worsened when you eat or chew sweet foods and drinks, breathing cold air, or consuming very hot or cold drinks.

2.    Spots and stains on the teeth

Visible black, brown, or gray stains and spots on your tooth might be a sign that you have a cavity. The spots and stains are seen on the tooth enamel indicating a growing infection. Sometimes the stains and spots might first appear as white spots, but with the advancement of the tooth decay, the stain can become darker which is also visible on the tooth’s surface.

This eventually results in a hole or pit in your tooth as the bacteria present in your tooth eats into it. The hole can be seen when you look in the mirror or felt when running your tongue over your teeth. Tooth crevices usually can’t be seen or felt, but can cause pain or sensitivity if there is a cavity. A broken tooth can also cause tooth decay and cavities so always visit your local dentist to ensure that the decay doesn’t worsen causing future problems.

Read More: Foods that Boost Oral Health

3.    Bad Breath

Some people suffering from tooth decay experience bad breath. It’s therefore important to incorporate brushing and flossing in your oral dental hygiene routine. This will help remove food particles stuck in between the teeth. In other cases, bad breath can also indicate other serious health problems, so it’s important to see your dentist immediately when you experience it.

4.  Hot and cold sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, which is experienced after eating hot or cold food is another sign that you might have a cavity. Due to the wearing of the tooth enamel, your teeth can become very sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks. The more the tooth decay, the more your dentin becomes exposed causing sensitivity.

However, this doesn’t mean that if you don’t see these signs, then you are safe having a cavity. You need to schedule and attend routine dental checkups every 6 months to stay up-to-date with your dental health. This will enable the dentist to carry out regular tests and also give you effective ways to prevent cavities from forming or stop any existing cavities from getting worse.

If you’re currently looking for a dependable dental expert, you can check out this dentist in Valencia.