App development is both competitive and in some cases a lucrative endeavour. A good app that offers function and form installed on millions of devices offers revenue streams and a chance to establish your reputation as a market leader in app development.

To help you do this we’ve prepared a list of the best free resources for app developers. You will be able to use these tools to craft, develop better apps and avoid losing your data ever, check this out now.

The Top 5 Free Resources for App Developers!

1. Amadeus – Perfect for Travel Apps

Application Programming Interface (API) is important to many apps and greatly increases usability and convenience for the most important person who will be using your app – the end user. The team at Amadeus for Developers have realised this and given a number of useful free APIs that can be incorporated into your app.

Centring on travel and tourism one of the biggest markets for apps, you can incorporate the following APIs:

  • Points of interest – Here, the app will make use of a users location to find interesting points of interest. Ideal for tourists and travellers on a city break for example that want to navigate from one landmark to another.
  • Flight Cheapest Date Search – With this API you can leverage Amadeus’ cached prices. This could be a game changer as your app pulls through very competitive prices. As you’ve probably guessed, you can offer comprehensive search facilities to your users.
  • Flights Low-fare Search – This enables your user to find the best price from putting in specific departure and arrival destinations together with the date.

Amadeus has provided a good free resource for app developers. If you are working on a travel app this is one to check out.

2. Visual Code Studio – Free, Open Source Code Editor

The development team of Visual Code Studio have produced one of the best code editors for app development. Most app developers have at least tried the editor with many returning to it again and again.

It is customisable with an offering of cool extensions to make coding easier and smoother. The base editor features the following:

  • IntelliSense – Whereas many coding platforms offers autocomplete for syntax editing IntelliSense offers smart completions based on modules and functions you are developing.
  • Comprehensive Debugger – Visual Code Studio allows you to debug your apps as they run. You can attach call stacks, breakpoints, and an interactive console to help get your app working as it should do.

Visual Code Studio is one to check out.

3. Git- Free and Open Source Version Control System

Git is the free app to use for version control. It is used by both app teams and solo developers and is very easy to learn and thanks to its small footprint works extremely quickly.

In essence, this SCM offers:

  • Branching – Try and test ideas before committing them to your working build. This is a real time saver.
  • Distributed – This enables each team member to have a backup of the main server. Anyone of these backups can replace the main server to be the working version.
  • Staging Area – Here, files can be held for review and modification before they are committed.

Git offers great version control no matter the size of your app development team.

4. Trello – Get Organized!

Trello is the ideal collaboration manager making it perfect to manage app development teams.  Using a card system Trello allows you to delegate tasks to team members. It facilitates two-way communication using a note system.

File attachments are limited to 10mb per attachment using the free version. Unlike other pricing models Trello’s pricing isn’t governed by the number of users but by features wanted. The free version for a small team should be enough for your first project. It also allows you to assess suitability without making an outlay.

5. Android Studio – Leverage Cool Features

Android Studio is the official IDE from Android. It is packed with features to help you craft and develop better apps. Some features which may be of particular interest are:

Visual Layout Editor – This lets you create complex ConstraintLayouts simply by resizing preview windows or by selecting various screen sizes.

  • APK Analyzer – This allows you to try and make your apps as light as possible. It gives full visibility on different versions enabling you to make key decisions.
  • Fast Emulator – This enables you to simulate your app from inside the studio without the need for a physical device. This extends to augmented reality experiences.
  • Flexible Build System – This allows you to manage and work on different builds of your app while still contained in a single project.

The Android Studio has more features that you can leverage. Check them out here.

Final Thoughts on Free Resources for App Developers

When selecting tools to help you make better apps try and assess the overall benefit. Will they help you develop faster or perform a specific function? If so, then the resource is worth your time. It is worth spending time to make the right free resource choices.