Major events in recent years have resulted in historic levels of criminal activity. Stress caused by the pandemic, for example, has given thieves the excuse to take advantage.

One of the biggest crimes currently taking place in our country is burglary. Criminals are illegally entering homes to commit theft and leave with jewelry and the like.

Now more than ever, you need to protect any personal property of value. Valuable items you own may include money, checks, and important documents. Plus, there are other items like jewelry, weapons, and collectibles to consider.

The good news is that you can safeguard many of your most cherished valuables by hiding them. The best places to hide valuables in a home are where it is next to impossible for a criminal to find them!

Read on for five clever places to stash your valuables in your home for safekeeping. As a bonus, we also include tips on how to safeguard large valuables that are challenging to hide.

1. Under the Floorboards

Burglars don’t have the time to pull up all the floorboards or tiles in a home. Modern technology companies offer a wide range of under-floor safes that vary by design and size.

Don’t put a safe in a prominent area, such as under the flooring in your bedroom closet. Instead, place it where thieves don’t usually look or can’t access it.

An example of where to place a safe is under a garage floor where you park your vehicle or the kitchen island.

2. Inside a Banister Post

A banister post, also known as a stair newel or support pillar, provides direct support to a handrail. Thieves rarely think to check these posts for tip-out or behind-panel storage.

Many security firms can install a storage unit within a pre-existing post. You can also hire a carpenter or cabinetmaker to make one. Or, if you’re handy and enjoy woodworking, you can create one for yourself.

3. Inside a Hollow Book

If you’re a book lover, then a hollow book is one of the best places to hide small valuables. A few examples of small valuables are backup cash and jewelry.

The book features a cover that looks like a regular book and a hollowed-out hole inside it.

Criminals hate to search an extensive library for a potential book safe or hollow book. They don’t have time to pull down, open, or shake every book in a collection.

You can find an inexpensive prefabricated hollow book from a variety of retailers. Or, if you prefer, you can simply cut out the middle of a book.

4. Behind a Bathroom Panel

Criminals also loathe the “ick” factor when searching for valuables. Above a bathroom toilet is the perfect place to hide valuable, non-paper items.

Keep in mind that bathrooms often experience high humidity because of bathing. There’s the possibility of pipe leaks and sink or toilet overflows.

As a result, you shouldn’t put valuables where they can get destroyed. Instead, place a hidden safe behind a panel of a non-pipe wall somewhere above the toilet.

5. Under Hygiene Storage Container

The “ick” factor extends to other areas of the home as well.

For example, criminals are unlikely to search for valuables hidden inside stored cat litter.

They’re also unlikely to search containers with labels that describe the storage of:

  • Feminine hygiene sprays
  • Pads and tampons
  • Incontinence underwear
  • Bed lining and mat products

Large Valuables and Security Guards

Today, more than ever, it’s vital to double down and cleverly hide your valuables. Besides that, though, you should consider getting residential security guards.

Protecting Large Valuables

There are some valuables you are unable to hide. For example, if you have large valuables that need protecting, a security guard can help. Examples of expensive valuables you can’t hide are entertainment devices and sports equipment. You may also have an expensive car you’re worried about keeping at your home during your travels.

Pool Your Resources

You may live on a large property or within an apartment or condo building. Or, you may live in a gated community or high-end neighborhood. If so, it’s essential to think about pooling resources.

Converse with your neighbors and consider investing in hiring residential security guards. Security guards are an invaluable preventative measure. Their mere uniform-wearing presence on a property can make thieves reconsider.

High-Crime Neighborhoods

Crime in your area may be prevalent and you’re concerned about protecting your valuables. For example, if you live in California, you may experience a high crime rate in your area. A security presence from a company like Special Security Services can give homeowners total peace of mind. Your small and large possessions will remain safe with the proper protection in place.


Crime, unfortunately, isn’t going anywhere, so it’s up to you to take measures to protect your valuables. Luckily, there are many spots you can stash valuables that burglars won’t think to look at. As you work hard to secure your property and valuables, also consider the help of security guards. Take the proper steps and be smart about where you store things. Then, your valuables will remain safe!