The critical need for privacy and data-centric security is increasingly becoming a trend because of the influx of cyber-crime. As a result, users will have an essential requirement to protect their important information assets by implementing privacy-enhancing technologies. And to help you protect your data, we at present the top cybersecurity trends for 2022.
Remote work and cyber literacy
Most companies are gradually getting used to the remote or hybrid work format. Some of them say they are ready to move some departments to permanent “remote” work. First of all, this indicates a gradual solution to the problem of low cyber-literacy among employees. Undoubtedly, this trend will continue in 2022.
Cybersecurity spending will rise
The market will likely change as quickly as many researchers anticipated at the end of last year: the costs associated with cybercrime will rise. And companies will pay more and more attention to protecting their information.
Security as a Service
The organization and maintenance of information security can be entrusted to an external team of cybersecurity specialists. You can trust Sapphire in this regard. This is not the most common service right now, but given the rising cost of protection, even ddos pentest is easier to outsource for many small companies.
Risk orientation
Companies built their cybersecurity policies based on common knowledge and their business risks and cyber-risks. This is due, firstly, to the leap in the cyber-competence of many business representatives, and secondly, to the ever-increasing costs of information security. A risk-based approach will allow a company to properly manage its budget and evaluate the effectiveness of cybersecurity investments.
A new round of cyber-transformation
In 2021, industry leaders moved towards their software solutions. The importance of such solutions lies primarily in their precise focus on the business tasks and risks of the specific company within which the solution is developed. In particular, this will help level out some of the cyber risks at the software code level.