5 Steps For A Successful CMMS Implementation


A successful computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) can be challenging, and ensuring that your CMMS is configured to operate efficiently with the way you do maintenance is essential. So, here are some tips for a successful CMMS implementation.

Tips For Successful CMMS Implementation

1Work with the people who will be directly affected by this change

Involving members of departments, like IT and production, that will be directly affected by the change is important so that they can tell you which business processes need improvement, and can help to make actual plans to improve them. Involving the affected departments can help you to avoid problems and provide a smoother transition.

2Have a realistic budget and over budget

Estimate a higher budget when it comes to CMMS customization and integration with your existing software, so that you won’t have to increase cost estimates later on. Implementation and maintenance may involve hefty costs, so make sure to include these when figuring out your budget too.

3Implement things slowly

Change is not an easy thing for people, especially when it is to something to do with potential job performance and posting data that could reveal true performance. Try your CMMS initiative one department at a time. This way you can work out the kinks of one department at a time instead of attempting to do it all at once, which could become extremely overwhelming and discouraging. This way when the first department experiences success, other departments will feel more comfortable getting on board with the change.

4Start CMMS training early

Remind employees early on how this change will improve their work and can further help them to succeed. Learning a new business process can take up to 24 months, so the sooner this training starts the better the outcome will be for your employees and your company. Proper training will give the employees the help they need to operate at their highest level with the new changes. Training is necessary for old employees as well as new hires, so find a good training program that is clear and concise.

5Plan for continuous improvement

A CMMS allows you to view large amounts of data that can show you trends and areas that need improvement and the areas that are flourishing. Watch for areas that need improvement, especially in the early stages of implementation, so that you can identify the problems before they grow. Have employees watch for areas that need improvement, always allowing them to express the areas they think could use some work. If things are working smoothly for them, it will translate in the numbers.

CMMS implementation can be tricky but getting the whole company on the same page, having a realistic budget, and having them actively involved in the process can make this transition much easier. To ensure a smooth transition make sure everyone understands the new changes and are comfortable expressing when things need improvement or need to be changed.