5 Things To See in Palermo, Sicily

5 Things To See in Palermo Sicily

Palermo is a cultural hub full of incredible experiences, and its roots reach virtually the dawn of humanity. Palermo is an architectural treasure trove, with stunning examples of Italian, Norman, Arabian, Byzantine, and Roman styles all coexisting.

Everything you could want in an adventure is right here. So many attractions make it challenging to decide where to start exploring. To assist you, we have compiled a list of the top attractions in Palermo.

The Cathedral

When visiting Palermo, the city’s Historical Center and the cathedral should be at the top of your list. Enjoy the pleasant weather outside while gazing at the stunning Arab/Norman architectural influence that gives this cathedral its distinctive look.

Visiting the cathedral and ascending to the dome for sweeping views of Palermo is highly recommended. The Cathedral is free to enter; however, the rooftop observation deck and the Royal Tombs inside will cost you €7.

Teatro Massimo

Teatro Massimo

Massimo Theatre is another cultural landmark of the city. This lavish opera house is the largest in Italy and one of the largest in all of Europe. Piazza Verdi, which surrounds the theatre, is a lovely place to unwind and see the building’s stunning design, framed by a grove of exotic palm trees.

A guided tour of the opera house is given daily to anyone interested in opera or architecture. Tickets can be purchased online, and the standard price for an adult is €8.

Piazza Pretoria

Piazza Pretoria

During the height of the Spanish Inquisition, this magnificent area was graced by a fountain depicting sixteen naked statues of nymphs, humans, mermaids, and satyrs; it is hard to believe that such art was tolerated in the era.

The city’s charming fountain and other architectural highlights may be found in Piazza Pretoria. The “piazza” was given the unflattering moniker “Piazza of Shame” since it was located directly in front of the former palace of the Pretorian family, the Palazzo del Pretorio. The piazza is a lovely open area with buildings framing three sides.

Palazzo dei Normanni

Norman and Moorish architecture influenced the palace, which has a very official, dignified air. The exterior is highlighted by a stunning courtyard enclosed by stone arches.

In addition, the adjacent Capella Palatina houses exquisite mosaics and artwork from centuries past. This royal residence is a must-see if you want to experience a real piece of Sicilian history.

The Cappella Palatina, Mondello

Inside the architectural complex of Palazzo dei Normanni stands the Palatine Chapel, one of the best-preserved specimens of Byzantine architecture and artwork in all of Europe.

Stunning examples of Byzantine art and architecture are all over the chapel, which is arranged around a central basilica. The walls and ceiling are covered with beautiful mosaics that display an incredible amount of detail and color, and they are crammed full of religious and historical imagery.

Turn any direction, and you’ll find some new detail or fascinating depiction; this is a remarkable work of aesthetic and creative ingenuity.

Bottom Line

As a visitor to Palermo, you’ll find that there’s never a dull moment regarding visual stimulation. The best way to view Palermo is to stay in a villa. Thus, look into Select Sicily Villas, a travel agency specialising in local vacation rentals, and you’ll find the perfect condo during your stay.