Do you want to learn Spanish? Start here first.
Around the world, more than 400 million people speak the Spanish language. With so many people speaking the language, it’s more important now than ever to learn how to speak Spanish.
But the real question is, where do you start?
For language learners looking for the best, check out these nine easy Spanish conversation starters to learn Spanish fast.
Read on to learn more.
1. Hola. ¿Como está usted?
Hola. ¿Como está usted? A phrase in English that means hello, how are you? This easy Spanish conversation starter is a must. This translation is one to use with people you don’t know well or know are your senior. It is the formal, more polite way to ask.
If you’re conversing with a long-time friend or a child, you can use this translation: Hola. ¿Como estás? This is a more direct translation that is less courtly.
You may hear responses such as:
- Bien
- Así así
- Mal
These common answers translate to good, okay, and bad, respectively. If the person you’re conversing with says, “y tú?”, they are asking you to the same question in return and would like to know how you are.
Check out bluetooth voice translators to get the most accurate translations in a timely manner when in conversation with a Spanish speaker.
2. ¿Cómo está el tiempo?
If you want to start a conversation about the weather, simply ask, “¿Cómo está el tiempo?” This directly translates to, “How’s the weather?” This is an excellent Spanish conversation practice to initiate a basic back and forth with a Spanish speaker.
Common responses to this question include:
- Hace frío.
- Está húmido.
- Hacer sol.
These common responses translate to; it’s cold, it’s humid, and it’s sunny, respectively. It may also be helpful to know the names of common clothes to wear in inclement weather.
In cold weather, you may need to wear an abrigo, buanda, y sombrero or in English a coat, scarf, and hat. Remember depending on which region of the country you travel to, the words may be different to describe everyday objects.
For example in Central and South America, a car is a carro, but in Spain, a car is called a coche. Most Spanish speakers will understand what you’re trying to say if you get the word wrong. It’s similar to the difference between British English and American English.
If you’re doing activities on a warm summer day like swimming, you’ll need a traje de baño, gafas para nadar, y protección solar or in English a swimsuit, goggles, and sunscreen.
3. ¿Dónde está el baño?
These easy Spanish words can be lifesaving. “¿Dónde está el baño?” or in English, “Where is the bathroom?” is an important phrase to know if you’re visiting an unfamiliar place.
Some common responses may include:
- Está aquí.
- A la derecha.
- A la izquierda.
In English, these phrases translate as: it’s here, it’s to the right, and it’s to the left, respectively. Don’t be afraid to use hand gestures when you’re trying to navigate.
Remember to reference with your whole hand or multiple fingers. Never point. In some countries, pointing can be seen as rude and even aggressive.
4. Buenos días. / Buenas tardes. / Buenos noches
One of the best ways to learn conversational Spanish is by greeting someone. If you choose to take initiative in a conversation, it really shows you’re willing to go the extra mile.
Phrases like buenos días, buenos tardes, y buenos noches translate in English to good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, respectively. This is an appropriate and common way to address people of all ages and walks of life.
Remember “good afternoon” is “buenas tardes”. Note the -as changing is unique from the other two greetings. This corresponds to the femininity of the noun it proceeds.
Read More: 4 Best Spain Travel Trips When It’s Time to Go
5. Tenga un buen día
Tenga un buen día translates to, have a good day, in English. This is a great conversational tool to use on any occasion, especially if you are servicing a Spanish speaking customer or guest.
Be sure to not say “tengo un buen día” as this would translate to “I have a good day” rather than “You have a good day.” Like the ¿Como está usted? above, this translation is formal and should be used with elders, strangers, and customers.
If you’re chatting with a friend or a child, the informal translation of “have a good day” is “tienes un buen día“. It’s always best to be formal if you’re unsure which form to use.
6. Muchas gracias
Muchas gracias or in English, thank you very much, is perhaps the most important Spanish conversation starter. This phrase is great to practice in Spanish restaurants or after a transaction.
If you’d like to just say, thanks, simply say, gracias.
7. ¡Hasta luego!
This farewell is the perfect way to say goodbye during any time of day with any person. ¡Hasta luego! translates in English to, see you later. This phrase implies that you will see the person again or hope to see them again.
8. Mucho gusto
This common Spanish phrase is a great response to multiple phrases. Mucho gusto, In English, means same to you or you as well. A great time to use this phrase is after someone says, encantado, or in English, nice to meet you.
9. ¿Qué hora es?
¿Qué hora es? or in English, what time is it, is an important Spanish phrase to know. The answer will always follow the same format.
Son las ______.
For example, if I want to say, it’s 4:15, I would say, son las cuatro y quince. It’s important to brush up on your numbers too. Remember one through five in Spanish is, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, y cinco.
Master These Spanish Conversation Starters
If you want to learn Spanish and become fluent, you must have Spanish conversations! Know the most common easy Spanish conversation starters to get learning.
What are you waiting for? Your Spanish conversations await!
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