The sun used to be healthy for the skin not until the ozone layer began to become thin and cause harmful effects. UVA, UVB, and UVC rays are the three types of UV rays that the sun secretes. Even though the ozone layer is thinner today, it still protects us from UVC, which is the worst type of UV rays.

Some people find it hard to avoid staying under the sun for a period of time. Mainly because their job requires them to do so or most of their errands are done during the day. Wrinkles, skin sagginess, and pigmentations are few of the skin damages one can get from excessive sun exposure. Luckily, we live in an era where these skin problems can be easily resolved. One of these amazing treatments is Ultherapy which effectively improves the skin’s laxity and appearance.

Yes, the sun can be harmful to the skin, but it still has its good benefits. Continue reading below to know more about the sun’s impact on the skin.

How Important Is The Sun To Us?

Experts say that small amounts of UV rays can be good for the skin. It secretes vitamin D which the skin can highly benefit from. Also, vitamin D absorbs calcium and this helps them maintain healthy bones. Doctors can also recommend patients vitamin D supplements if they lack this mineral.

WHO or World Health Organization have stated that UV rays can treat certain health conditions such as rickets, eczema, jaundice and psoriasis. Also, UV rays are helpful in disinfection or sterilization as it kills bacterias or viruses with its heat. The Sun’s UV rays only become harmful if the skin gets too much of it. Like what people say, too much of everything can be harmful to you.

Read More: How to Choose Professional Skin Care Products

What Can Happen If We’re Overexposed To The Sun?

Without proper skin protection, excessive exposure to the sun can lead to:

  • Skin cancer – Cancer is a scary word. But skin cancer can be easily treated. Not unless it is Melanoma skin cancer, which is more severe. Luckily, it rarely happens. Skin cancer can spread in different areas of the body if left untreated. If you spot an unusual discolouration on your skin, it is best to have it checked to ensure if it is cancerous or just a harmless pigmentation.
  • Skin changes – This includes discolourations or the worsening or marks and scars. When these marks are exposed to the sun for too long, it tends to become darker and bigger which can also lead to skin cancer.
  • Eye damage – UV rays can cause damaging effects in the cornea. This can lead to a blurry vision and cataracts. Without proper treatment, you can go blind.
  • Early signs of ageing – This is when the skin loses it laxity and firmness. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, it gets dry and collagen production gets slower. Even if you’re too young to be having wrinkles, this can happen when you don’t protect your skin from the sun.

How To Protect My Skin From The Sun?

First, you need to know the sensitivity of your skin as protecting your skin includes using skin products that may contain ingredients that are too strong for your skin to handle. Also, some skin types react differently when exposed to the sun. Some may be safe from skin damages while some can easily develop skin pigmentations. Here are some of the recommended guidelines you can follow to ensure skin protection:

  1. Cover up – When going outdoors make sure to wear clothes that are enough to cover up your exposed skin. Wear hats and sunglasses. Also, use an umbrella if you plan to wear short sleeves.
  2. Plan your errands – Sun exposure during 10 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon can be very strong. This is also the time when the sun can be harmful to the skin. It is best to avoid staying under the sun during these hours.
  3. Apply sunscreen – Sunscreen or other skin protection products that have SPF 15 or higher are the products you should use. These products help to block the harmful UV rays from damaging the skin especially the dermis. If you don’t wear sunscreen, the UV rays can damage your skin cells and promote early signs of ageing. Re-application of sunscreen is advisable for the continuous effects of the product(s).
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