69% of adults between the ages of 35-44 have lost at least one permanent tooth. It may be due to a failed root canal, tooth decay, gum disease, or an accident.

As we all know, a perfect smile is paramount to comfort and self-esteem.

But never fear, dental implants are a solution to this problem, allowing us to move past missing teeth or a crooked smile.

In the ever-evolving field of dentistry, technological innovations have made way for all on 4 dental implants. Keep reading to find out as much as you can about this revolutionary dental technology.

About Traditional Implants

Traditional dental implants are applied by having at least a minimum of two oral surgeries. For the first procedure, you will have small titanium screws inserted into your jawbone.

One those titanium screws are in place, you’ll be given time to heal so that the implants are able to integrate with your jawbone and act almost as a tooth root.

This process usually takes between three and six months.

After the initial process is complete, the second oral surgery will be performed in order to attach a small piece of metal that sticks out of your gum line, called an abutment. This piece of metal is what the actual dental piece will attach to.

Dental implants secure full-arch dentures, unlike the age-old removable dentures, ones that are supported by implants cannot shift out of place. Not only that, but dental implants restore your teeth to their full function and form especially if you’ve been missing teeth for a long period of time.

Why Might You Need Traditional Dental Implants?

If you find yourself wondering why you might need traditional dental implants or how you might be classified as a good candidate, the following can be said.

If you have enough bone density to support the implants, you would be legible.

If you have groups of teeth or individual teeth missing, you would be legible.

If you’ll be restoring your smile with bridgesT or porcelain crowns, this would be the right process for you.

So, What Are All On 4 Dental Implants?

All on 4 dental implants are a more ideal form of permanent teeth replacement, ideal for people who are missing a number of teeth or may not have any natural teeth left.

With this method of dental implant, the implants required only total four pieces to hold your new dentures in place, whereas traditional dental implants can increase to a number of 10 implants.

The difference with all on 4 dental implants is that the planning process leading up to your surgery is meticulously planned and the implants are placed at strategic angles so that you won’t require more than the 4.

What Are The Benefits Of All On 4 Dental Implants?

The benefits of All on 4 dental implants versus traditional dental implants can be summed up to 4 crucial points:

  1. After All on 4 dental implants you will certainly have a shorter recovery time. The recovery time for this process is approximately one week. During recovery, however, you are limited to softer foods and may need to take over-the-counter pain medication for some relief.

  2. Your dentist will have selected the optimum position of your jaw for each implant which means that you most likely won’t need to have bone grafting done. Sometimes with traditional dental implants, there is the need to remove fragments of bone from one part of your jaw to another and will obviously add to the time needed for the treatment.

  3. The most noteworthy benefit of All on 4 dental implants is that you will only need to go through one surgery. The entire process is done within one surgery on the same day, so you won’t have to wait a few weeks in between surgeries like you would with traditional dental implants.

  4. Last, but not least, with All on 4 dental implants you will most likely save money, as you won’t have to pay for more than one surgery and your post-surgery check-up appointments will be less than is required with the traditional implant method.

With these glaringly obvious benefits, it is hard to not go with all on 4 dental implants as your preferred option, however, when is it that you become a good candidate for All on 4 dental implants?

Are All On 4 Dental Implants For You?

It’s all good and well that you know the differences between traditional dental implants and All on 4 dental implants but how do you know if you’re a good candidate for this procedure?

Well, simply put, if you’re in a position that you’re missing a few teeth then you’re probably on the right track for All on 4 dental implants, as opposed to only having one tooth missing that may only require an individual implant.

If you have teeth that are badly damaged then this procedure can also be considered, as you may remove the badly damaged teeth and replace them with All on 4 dental implants.

There are always risks with any type of surgery, so don’t let that sway your decision. All on 4 dental implants are a completely safe procedure, and at least you’d only have to go in for one surgery.

If You’re Still Unsure…

Your best option is to book a consultation with your dentist and discuss your options. The first step is to have an examination of the current status of your mouth, once you’ve got a grip on the severity of your situation, then you can openly discuss All on 4 dental implants with your dentist!

Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you see fit, you need to be comfortable and confident when making a decision around any surgery, let alone one that will alter your physical appearance.

The right dentist will have all the time in the world for your questions.

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