Looking for practical basement waterproofing ways to keep your basement area flood-free? Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place.
- Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris Improper drainage of water from the roof is, without a doubt, the common cause of basement leakage. If the gutters and downspouts are clogged and aren’t working properly, it means that they may not move water down the drainage pipes fast enough. This can lead to an overflow that brings about puddles or saturated soil. Well, the water will then easily find its way
through the weaknesses in the basement wall. So, gutters must be clean. It’s recommended to ensure that your gutters are well designed and have at least one downspout for every 600-800 feet of the roof surface. Also, make sure the downspouts ends are properly extended so as to allow discharging of water at least 4-6 feet from the foundation. If left too close to the foundation, they can blast water into the basement waterproofing in Toronto. You can also try to discharge the downspouts into the underground solid PVC plumbing pipes, which release water to the street.
- Install a drainage membrane system along the foundation wall – It is an excellent way to control water that runs along the outside of the basement wall leading to the foundation drainage pipe. And fortunately, this is a permanent solution for basement flooding and is generally not costly for many homeowners. In most case, the installation typically requires an extensive excavation of pre-existing homes.
- Grading your lot slope – Let’s face it, if land slopes toward your home, it becomes a lot easier for the rainfall to find its way into your basement through foundation walls. Therefore, you’ll need to grade your lot and make sure it slopes away from your house. Ensure the soil slopes downward 6 inches over the
first 4 ft from your foundation wall, and grade it properly so that water doesn’t run back to the house. You’ll
also want to avoid landscape treatments, which tend hold soil close to your house. For example, stone, brick or timber used around the edge of flower beds that are near the foundation walls can prevent water from draining away, leading to a flooded basement.
- Install properly fitting window well covers – Window well covers are generally designed to be
leak-proof and, therefore, can protect your home from snow, ice, and other elements especially during the winter. And also since the well covers are made to withstand any weather conditions, you also don’t have to worry about a flooded basement after intense rainstorms during the early spring and summer.
- Have a proper drainage of window wells – You need to put in place a proper drainage system
for your window wells to prevent water pooling around it. Most homeowners in Torono prefer a drainage system that draws water away from their home with a weeping tile system. There you have it! And be sure to follow the above basement waterproofing tips.