Giving awards to valued employees, top athletes, and exemplary members of the community are special occasions and should be remembered by the people being honored. An essential part of what makes an awards-giving event memorable is the type of award you design and give the recipients. Crafting an artistic and unique piece as an award gives extra honor and distinction to the person receiving the award.
Awards are made of a variety of materials. Usually, the more popular materials available are crystal and metal. Here are the benefits of choosing crystal awards over metal ones:
1. Crystal is a versatile and quick material.
Crystal is classified as a type of glass, but it’s actually more valuable than typical glass or metal awards. Crystal glass possesses a bigger amount of lead, and crystal pieces are usually cut in a specific way to create a beautiful gleam and light refractions.
Aside from their beauty, you can do quite a few things in designing crystal awards. These may be methods such as engraving, sandblasting, etching, or printing. You have several options you can work with in executing the design you want for your crystal awards. Crystal blocks are available in many different pre-cut shapes, which can be tailor-fit to execute your design. Although metal awards have its own set of options for design, crystal is more versatile and attractive.
One of the best things about getting this is the time frame. In fact, you can order custom crystal trophies online and get them within a few days. If the brand is a good and reputed one, they will use the best technologies and shipping partners to help you get your custom crystal trophies in no time. No matter what the size, shape or design you are after, crystal trophies are highly recommended for their versatility.
As a material for awards, crystal is very fast to work with. Crystal awards have the shortest lead-time among various award options as they’re already available in pre-cut shapes and sizes. Crystal is also easier to sculpt and design because it possesses a relatively low working temperature and it’s a thin material. You can execute interesting designs such as delicate birds or detailed abstract forms, which you can’t do easily with metal. Metal is a thicker and heavier material, and requires more effort to sculpt.
2. Crystal is more affordable than metal awards.
Generally, crystal awards offer the lowest overall cost. Crystal awards may be available for as low as $20, while metal awards usually cost a bit more. If cost is a consideration, ordering crystal awards give you elegant-looking awards at a good price.
3. Crystal awards are beautiful, timeless, and classy.
Crystal awards look more elegant and beautiful than metal awards. They’re manufactured using only the clearest optical crystal and jade crystal. Imagine displaying a beautifully-designed crystal award in your office. Natural light can magnify the magnificence of a crystal award as it reflects light in a way that metal can’t. Crystal pieces with a high lead content are notably dazzling. Lead-free optical crystal gives magnificent refraction and can make brilliantly-colored rainbows when it’s hit by light. Awards made of crystal are indeed a sight to behold. Metal awards, on the other hand, don’t look as pretty and attractive. If you’re thinking of giving awards to women in particular, crystal awards would be perfect. Metal awards tend to look more masculine, giving a more industrial or modern look.
4. Crystal awards offer more space for putting engraved messages on.
Crystal plaques and awards can give you more space where you can have messages engraved, as compared to metal awards. Crystal awards become the ideal choice for memorializing a special person or honoring a loved one on Father’s or Mother’s Day, as well as a variety of other occasions. You don’t have to be limited with the sentiments you want to express by the material you’re working with. You can literally say more with crystal.
5. Crystal awards are more sophisticated.
A personalized award made out of crystal denotes a level of sophistication that can’t be expressed by other types of corporate awards such as metal awards. Crystal awards fit perfectly for display in classy, professional settings. The unfading sparkle of a standing crystal plaque is a tasteful choice for corporate awards, best employee awards, and other types of professional and personal accolades.
When the opportunity arises to commemorate an achievement or milestone, there’s a variety of options available for awards. You can’t go wrong with choosing classic and beautiful crystal awards for your employees, friends, or loved ones. Do you like crystal awards?