For your first date, why don’t you skip the dinner and movies, and treat your loved one with a day cooking together at home? A picnic in nature can be an excellent idea, too. But don’t take my word for it. Besides, my kitchen advisor says that the simplest gesture to show how much you care is to divvy up kitchen duties and create an intimate setting for an uninterrupted couple’s night.

Romantic dinner ideas for the first date

Skip the fuss if you want to create an unforgettable night. Bring your partner home for a fun-filled, and highly-interactive evening. But first, here are some things to consider before you settle for any of these ideas:

  • Affordable: Ensure that you don’t spend a lot on your first date, as that will only signal high-expectation to your partner. Hence, keep the thing affordable. This will set the right vibe, and benefit you, too.
  • Converse freely: You can skip the movie, concert, plays, comedy show, or any other shows for that matter. Even though these seem like good ideas, this will make it very difficult for any of you to converse freely, which is the whole point of the first date.
  • Ample face-to-face time: While men prefer side-by-side communication, women prefer face-to-face talk. Thus, ensure your first date is set in a manner that amplifies eye contact.
  • Novelty: Why don’t you try out something unique? Don’t do something you do daily. As such, settle for an idea that’s outside the box for you.
  • A backdrop for easy conversation: Of course, there will be an awkward silence. Why not select a context that provides plenty of things around you to talk about and comment on others.

Here, five of the best romantic dinner ideas for the first date.

Picnic in nature

Picnics can provide the perfect avenue to build attraction. For starter, demonstrate your cooking skills, by assembling good food for your partner. Alternatively, you can both start your date from home, preparing your meal, then set off for a date with nature. Find an impressive location, especially one that has a perfect view of the sunset.

Remember, women like men who scout for the best sites and know about the terrain. So, don’t just go anywhere. This combination will make an excellent setting for a very comfortable date. Moreover, nature will provide an incomparable backdrop for a first date, as it can easily elicit all kinds of positive feelings.

Explore Home-grown Produce at the farmers’ market

There are many reasons why the farmers’ market is the ideal location for the first date. First off, it provides a safe environment for you and your partner. Also, if any of you is a socially-nervous dater, the farmers’ market will provide many discussion points. You can also pick flowers, fruit, and other groceries together.

Furthermore, you can pass by the farmers’ market on your way home, pick out ingredients for a gourmet dinner, and cook together at home. If things go well, you could have a lot of fun with your partner, learning cooking techniques from each other. On the other hand, let’s assume your date does not turn out well. The fresh food will provide you with the perfect excuse to get away; after all, the fresh ingredient might spoil unless put in certain conditions.

Barbecue in a Public Park

If you live in down the street from a public park, then it’s time to take full advantage of it. To be honest, a barbecue at the park will need some amount of compromise. But once you get through the hassle of grilling ribs, both your taste buds will significantly appreciate the sacrifice. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the divinely delicious ribs while basking at panoramic views of the sunset.

Take a cooking class

This option is a hand-on first date idea. To begin with, it provides a safe place for both of you and gives you a shared experience and a lot to talk about. Moreover, since cooking classes take a short time, the dater has time to decide whether to go on or call it off. On the contrary, you could end up planning for a second date.

Take a wine-tasting course

Wine tasting evenings can offer a fun way to end a day. Let’s suppose that you started your first date by heading home, cooking something together, but the date turns out to be too good that you want to continue. How about ending the day at a wine tasting course?


It’s safe to say that you and your partner will have a great first date. But, if you ever have a date that involves preparing a meal, then you should probably do your homework on the dish first.