Content And User Experience Enhancement To Uplift Your Site’s SEO In 2017

Content SEO In 2017

When we talk about SEO, a whole bunch of thoughts jump up in our brain. The availability of gigantic substitutes creates a conundrum circumstance, which grows really puzzling to answer. What to opt for advancing your SEO is an intricate question, and while hanging on the edge, one prospect will overpower the other and so on, the phenomenon will continue.

It’s not the matter of ‘what is the best’, lately, the subject has changed to ‘what is the demand’ in the context of SEO. Hence, after a comprehensive study of ‘what is the demand’ we have come to a conclusion and that is, ‘the content will always remain the king’.

Now, we are onto a new start with a new year and it’s time to update and adapt some new strategies for your 2017 SEO gameplan. And, as suggested that content will hold a monopoly in 2017, so make sure all your efforts lie in same direction, creating better content.

Here are 2 things that you can do

1.Add value to your content:

Content that can add value, while satisfying the second role of maintaining the relevance for the target audience.

Being best at either of the two will add the demanded value to your content, quality or the answering the questions of your audience. And, the best way to do that is by knowing your audience and try answering all the search related queries that they might have. This step will ensure your content ranks higher in the search result.

How to ensure value in your content

  • Browse the internet and make a list of most relevant topics
  • Visit your competitors and other popular organisation in your respective field, find out what all they have already answered. See if you can answer it with more consciousness.
  • Visit the content resources for new ideas like Reddit, and other sources.
  • Connect your content with present scenario, use realistic facts and stats relevant to your content
  • Play with timing and context
  • Expand your niche boundaries while maintaining relevancy to your audience
  1. Craft your user’s browsing experience:

Every business has different theories regarding SEO. Some SEO companies believe providing better content is the only way to accomplish better ranking on search engines. While some managed to survive and reach new heights with a different approach, inducing a synergy of content and user experience for better search ranking.

The theory says user experience is directly proportional to better search engine rankings. Moreover, Google the web giant prefers user experience as their evaluation parameter for ranking on their search engine.

Here’s what you need to take care off

  • Testing your website: Test your website before you make it live for your user’s, there are certain evaluation tests that are advised to conduct, avoiding any chance of error that irritates the user.
  • Speed: Speed is an important factor that decides if your user will stay on your website or they won’t, all is a matter of speed. Average load time of a web page is 3 seconds and if the webpage doesn’t appear within 3 seconds, it needs some servicing.
  • Placement of brand identity: Brand identity objects like logo placement should be justified and the placement should be decided authentically.
  • Readability: Use of simple words, no use of jargons, and simple readable font and text will amplify the user experience, the opposite will drag it to the bottom
  • Broken links: Even after the testing stage, some broken links can be found on your website. The need is to fix it before it gets the reader’s attention.