Best Way to make Milkshake, Milkshake recipes


In summer, common and favorite for many people “milkshakes” cold  drinks, which are often known for its fast food presenting Restaurants, also milkshakes features multiple flavours like strawberry, chocolate or milk with the addition of all of the sugar, and ice-cream vanilla flavor to it, here we list some milkshake recipes and how you can make milkshake at home easily

Strawberry milkshakes

Strawberry Milkshake


  • Half a liter of liquid milk
  • 500 grams of strawberries
  • Teaspoon of liquid vanilla
  • A cup of ice cream
  • Cup of ice
  • 2 teaspoon of sugar

How to Setup

  • Keep all of (milk, strawberry, vanilla, ice) in a blender, mixing well with that all the components become homogeneous.
  • Later we add ice cream to strawberry mixture with mixing well again.
  • Serve strawberry milkshakes cold in the right cup

Oreo milkshakes

Oreo Milkshake CUP


  • A cup and a half of milk cold liquid
  • 8 beads of Cookies Oreo
  • 6 tablespoons of chocolate sauce
  • 2 cups of vanilla ice-cream flavor

How to Setup

  • In the presentation cups we put chocolate syrup in the bottom.
  • Separate Oreo Cookies, and Place 5 Oreo Cookies in a mixer.
  • In a mixer we mix all of (milk, ice cream 5 pieces of Oreo cookies) very good mixing.
  • Pour milkshakes Oreo in the cup presentation, with the addition of Cookies ground on the face.

Vanilla milkshakes

Vinilla Milkshake


  • Cups of vanilla ice cream.
  • One cup of milk.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.
  • A quarter of a cup of whipping cream
  • Eight teaspoons of vanilla.

How to prepare
We mix the ingredients in a blender, then set the mixture into cups. Then we add the Whipping cream on the top.and Serve cold.