Customer behavior has been the study of great development in recent years. Businesses no longer accept that customers can be unpredictable, but rather seek to determine the driving force behind every decision and action. Brands that are not shifting the conversation to one that influences customer behavior will be left behind, their once loyal advocates no longer resonating with the manufactured lines they had long been accepting. Let’s discuss the trends in customer behavior influence .

Find expert partners

As this space is relatively new to the sales and marketing mix, you may like to be guided through the process with a leading digital marketing agency that has had great success in these ventures. You could also find a mentor that is disrupting and innovating in this space, and see what wisdom they can apply to your own business and messaging. Despite the skills of your team, these areas are always best left in the hands of a third party who can assess your business and the market at face value, and hone in on a strategy from there.

Keep it simple

No huge change happens overnight. Whether that is changing a bad habit, or deciding that you feel another way about a brand entirely. These things take time and you will need to have a simple approach to begin with. By building out your strategy in tiny incremental steps, you will slowly influence a customer’s perception or behavior in a way that they will not be able to notice. This is especially important if you have captured the ideal customer type, as the last thing you want to do is lose them with a radical concept that you haven’t taken the time to nurture. So if you had grand gestures of a 180-degree flip on all your content and brand ethos, you may want to slow right down and begin at the bottom.

Deep segmentation

It’s probably only been a few times in your life that you have felt a message hits hard with your values and ideas. That’s because most businesses will design campaigns in broad strokes, grouping customer segmentations together with a few (and sometimes only one) common attributes. The best customer influence campaigns drill down to “the job” that the customer is trying to do. For example, you may believe that your market volunteer because they want to do good. Although deep segmentation work may uncover that some do it to look good at work, set an example to their children or many other reasons. When you know what job they are trying to do, only then can you deliver a campaign that lands every time.

Relevancy is key

Like anything, if it doesn’t stand up in today’s society it might not make it. Decide whether your message is relevant in the social and economic conditions of 2019 and whether the message will be relevant to those conditions. An overgeneralized approach to gender, for example, will not be well met with society and may cause you to be known for the opposite of what you are going for. If you’re unsure on how to tackle this and want to get a greater understanding of near future market conditions, you can engage a Futurist professional. We would all like to think that our recent photo-shoot or quip tagline are stopping customers in their tracks and converting them to our cause, but that is not a fact in 2019. Start slow and get industry experts on the job from the outset, from there you can build an authentic conversation with your existing and future market.

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