There are so many tools out there to help with SEO. Which tools should you be using? We know if can be very confusing so we are breaking down the top best SEO tools for you. Whether you are an SEO company or an in-house SEO Specialist there is something on the list for everyone.


Simply the best SEO tool on the market is SEMRush. Over the past five years the team at SEMRush has added more and more features.  The one feature that every SEO should be using is the “Domain Overview” report. This report is critical in so many ways. It provides all the keywords that your domain is ranking for with the search volume and search engine rankings for each keyword.

After you have run this report you can see what opportunities your website has. Any keywords that rank on page two or three of Google are worth giving some attention to.  These are the low hanging fruit.

Shannele Hernandez SEO Expert at McKremie explains “We utilize SEMRush pretty much all day long. It’s a great tool to conduct research on. I really don’t know how we did SEO without it.”

Another helpful aspect of SEMRush is they show you who your competitors are. You can compare your keywords with your competitors to find new keywords you might want to target. They also include a backlink report which is somewhat helpful. We find that it’s a good links of backlinks but other SEO Tools do a better job.


If you are looking for a backlink tool then AHREFS is it. You can run reports of any website and it will give you a very detailed list of backlinks. AHREFS does one of the best jobs of finding backlinks to your website. In addition they have a keyword tracking tool that is updated weekly. A somewhat newer function is their site audit tool. Their tool helps cut down the time it takes to conduct a technical SEO audit.

Google’s Webmaster Tools

Most business use Google’s Webmaster Tools but many use it the right way. The knowledge you can gain from the search traffic data in Google’s Webmaster Tools is invaluable. You can run reports that show you where you rank and the keyword search volume associated with each.

Other great uses of Google’s Webmaster Tools is the structured data, penalty information, backlinks, mobile usability and disavow tool.


With Buzzsumo you can tell what content preforms well on social media and in the search engines. Why is this important? Simply because this is a road map to a proven track record.  You can make similar content in different niches and be ahead of the curve from the start. Knowing if a piece of content will catch on can help increase the chances of getting social media shares and links from bloggers.

As you can tell there is almost and endless number of SEO tools but not all are created equal. In addition to the above we also use Screaming Frog and HubSpot on a regular basis.  If you have any tools you like using please share them in the comments with us.