Best Work At Home Jobs

Best Work At Home Jobs

Working from home (and making a decent living from it) used to equate to Avon sales and stuffing envelops, but with the advancement of technology and the remote office, working from home has become a very real existence for many people. Unfortunately, this also means that get-rich-schemes and scams have also exploded. For every one real job, Rat Race Rebellion also found 60 scam jobs.

Many people who choose to work from home include spouses of military personnel, who are used to having to move often, retirees, single parents and people with disabilities who are searching for the very real jobs among the scams. We’ve put together a list of real work from home jobs that allow you to make a full-time living.

1Virtual Assistants

This is a field with a lot of potential and chance for growth. Virtual assistants support small or large businesses seeking help with travel arrangements, meeting organization or note taking. You can start your own virtual assistant company, where you screen and provide qualified assistants to companies seeking help, or work as a freelancer.

Virtual assistants are also a good way for small companies lacking large budgets to benefit from the help of an assistant on a part-time basis. It also allows the virtual assistant to work for several different companies as well, compiling full or part-time hours.

Virtual assistants charge from $15 to up to $100 per hour.

2Call Center Representatives

When you order something over the phone, you may imagine that the person answering is sitting in a vast room of cubicles, but they are more and more likely to be in their office at home. Large contact centers are stressful environments and are expensive investments for companies so more companies are turning to hiring representatives who can work out of their own home. This shift started after continued complaints from customers that all representatives were offshore employees.Nowadays, many businesses rely on cloud contact centers which enable agents to work from the comfort of their homes.

They are supplied company phones, headsets and even computers, though it is best to keep in mind that some companies pay by the minute and not by the hour, so you will only be paid for time spent on the phone and not for time waiting.

3Web Designer

Information technology is one of the sectors where the most home-based hiring is being done. Portfolios and examples of work are easy to obtain and quality of work is easy to prove in these sectors and it is seen as unnecessary for the employee to be in a workplace setting when most of their true work is done virtually and for multiple departments. Web developers and designers can find positions and jobs to bid on such websites as and, where thousands of jobs seeking web design and development are being posted.


Translators are hired based not only on their ability to speak two languages, but their ability to fluently write both languages with no grammatical or spelling errors and with cultural and linguistic differences in mind. Home-based translators offer employers the opportunity to tap into hard to find language skills that may be more common in other areas. The U.S. Bureau of Labor listed translators and interpreters as being a vocation that would grow by 42% by 2020 and the national median hourly wage for translators and interpreters was $20.82, with a median annual wage of $43,300 as of 2010. If you can translate technical or scientific texts, you’re able to make almost $10,000 more!