You provide great services, but dealing with business finances is a foreign beast to contend with. Here are 5 ways to deal with bookkeeping when you’re a newbie.

Dealing with finances is the ugly part of owning a business. It’s tedious, complicated work.

You can hire an accountant when your business is big enough. In the meantime, there are tricks and tips you can take advantage of to make the process easier.

Here are a few ideas for managing your business finances.

1. Protect Your Credit

Worry about debt will make your life a lot harder. Be very careful about how much you take on.

Most new businesses lack the funds to bankroll the entire operation. In that case, debt becomes necessary. When you’re in that spot, determine what your financial goals are before you accept the money.

2. Separate Your Finances

The line between business and personal finances is easily blurred. If you’re not careful, you could start using money that your business needs.

Maintain two separate accounts. One for your company and one for your family. Resist the urge to intermingle the funds.

This will prevent you from accidentally draining your business cash.

3. Make Smart Investments

Your goal is to be frugal, not cheap. If you work in certain industries, you have no choice but to buy equipment. Choosing the cheapest model for sale will backfire.

Research everything and compare prices before you make a final decision. In addition to helping your business operations, the right equipment can help you during tax season.

You might be able to deduct the full purchase price from your yearly income.

Buying necessary equipment is a valid use of your loan money.You can’t run a tanning salon, for example, without a tanning bed.

Learn the ins and outs of your industry for specific investment ideas.

4. Document Everything

Every single business expense needs to be documented. Even small payments should be recorded. You need to know where your money is going.

If you aren’t naturally organized, there are apps and computer programs designed to help. Some of these programs will also handle your payroll.

Resist the urge to start paying people under the table. It’ll just create problems later on. At the very least, it’ll give you a headache when you try to account for where your money is going.

Speaking to a professional accountant can help you create a routine. PROfiltr connects business owners to experienced accountants.

5. Create an Emergency Fund

You can be wiped out by a single emergency if you don’t create a special fund. Having insurance isn’t enough.

Most new businesses don’t pull in a consistent income from month to month. During the lean times, you’ll need to rely on your backup fund. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to borrow money.

You should set aside enough money to keep the lights on. The worst thing that can happen is that your business closes because of a petty issue like rent payments. Success rarely happens overnight.

Prepare for the worst.

Stay on Top of Your Business Finances

Taking care of your business finances doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can find a routine that works for your situation.

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