Let’s face it: Creating social media content that resonates with your audience — one that will compel them to engage with you — isn’t exactly easy.

You can’t just stick to writing high-quality content anymore.

You need to use interactive content to create memorable and lasting experiences for your target audiences to stand out from your competitors.

In this post, I’m going to share with you some tips on how you can boost your social media traffic with these four interactive content formats.

Let’s begin.

1. Attention-Grabbing Quizzes

With the right approach, interactive quizzes can do wonders to help you generate leads and boost your social media traffic.

By posting fun, but relevant, interactive quizzes on your social media account, you can engage with your potential customers and offer them value instead of just asking them to fill out your forms.

For instance, if you’re selling travel gear, you can create a quiz that challenges the world geography knowledge of your target audience and post it on your Facebook page.

Give it an attention-grabbing title like, “Only A Certified Geography Genius Can Pass This Quiz.

Here’s a sample quiz from Buzzfeed.


You can also make your quizzes easily shareable by adding social sharing buttons, and you can place your call-to-action at the end of the quiz, along with the results.

This kind of interactive content plays into the ego of your potential customers since it makes them feel good about themselves and will most likely prompt them to share it with others.

Creating and posting interactive quizzes like this on your social accounts helps you connect with your prospects and give them a fun and memorable experience, which, in turn, aids in increasing your social media traffic and sales.

2. Engaging Videos

Using videos in your social media marketing strategy is an excellent way to engage your target audiences because they let you “interact”with your potential customers.

You can create videos that encourage interaction by asking your audience to leave a comment or how they think the video will end (among other things). 

For example, you can publish a YouTube tutorial video that helps your target audience learn how to use your products through interactive demos. 

Engaging Videos

Adding clickable tags that lead to your landing page, links in your description, and asking viewers to subscribe are also great ways to lead them to your ecommerce website and CTA buttons.

With interactive videos, your audience won’t only get the value they need out of your content, but they’d also have a unique and pleasant experience that will make you more memorable to them.

By learning the ins-and-outs of social media marketing, you can find even more ways to use interactive videos to your advantage.

Also, using interactive videos in your social media marketing strategy helps boost your audience engagement and capture the attention of your target audience, leading to more high-quality traffic and conversions for your business.

3. Contests and Giveaways

Hosting giveaways, games, and contests aren’t exactly new strategies that can help you generate more social media traffic.

However, they continue to evolve, and they’re not going away any time soon.

Prize-driven contests give your target customers the incentive to participate and interact with your brand, which will help boost your brand awareness and social engagement.

You can get as creative with your social media contests as you want, but don’t forget to weave in your message and your call-to-action. 

Run various types of contests like a tag a friend giveaway, vote to win, video and quiz contests, and more.

You can use apps like Instant Giveaway on your ecommerce website to create social media contests. 


The app lets you run a contest that will ask your participants to promote your giveaway campaign on various social media channels such as Instagram and Twitter.

Every social share earns your participants points that will boost their contest ranking, and the participant with the highest points wins the contest.

Running social media contests like this is a strategic way of promoting your brand, attracting your target audiences – which helps increase your traffic – and, eventually, your sales.  

You can also use promotional games to boost conversions and learn about your audience.

For instance, most apps and online games require users to sign in, and you can use this to get valuable customer data to create targeted ads and tailor your other marketing campaigns to your customers.

4. Polls and Surveys

Social media is saturated with different types of content from individual users, businesses, and more.

If you want your content to stand out from the rest and connect with your audience, you’ll need to understand their preferences first for you to show them your unique value.

One way of doing this is by running polls or surveys on your social media accounts.

For instance, you can run a survey to ask your target customers their opinions about your content, service, or product.

It doesn’t have to be a long and boring questionnaire, though. Phrase your poll questions in creative ways. Reference pop culture. Use memes in your content.. 

Let’s take a look at how Starbucks welcomed its followers to 2019.

Polls and Surveys

By running creative polls and surveys, you get to delve deeper into the preferences of your target audience and use that data to improve your marketing campaigns.

Also, polls and surveys help you learn more about the interests of your potential customers, nurture closer relationships with them, and come up with more ways to use personalization to help shoppers buy more. 

What’s Next?

With the right strategies and applications, interactive content can help you drive loads of high-quality social media traffic.

Aside from providing fun and entertainment for your target audiences, interactive content can give you excellent results in terms of social engagement, lead generation, and they can help you build connections and nurture relationships with your customers.

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