Are you worried about your joints?

Well, you’re not alone! Over 60% of Americans in their 30s and 40s have the same concern. Furthermore, those concerns seem wholly justified.

According to the same source, almost 70% of people aged over 34 experience actual stiffness in their joints as well. Throw in the rate of arthritis and inflammation in the country and it’s clear that joint problems are all too common.

But there’s good news for anyone who’s been wondering how to improve joint health:

With the right insight and approach, there’s a lot you can do to better the situation. Want to learn how it’s done? Keep reading for everything you need to know about improving joint health.

Exercise on a Regular Basis

Exercise might be the last thing on your mind when you’re suffering from joint stiffness or soreness.

After all, it hurts to move! No matter whether it’s your knee, neck, elbow, shoulder, or ankle, it’s all too tempting to stay stationary and prioritize rest instead.

The irony is that staying still for too long can end up worsening the situation. Muscles around your joints get weaker, the joint gets stiffer, and you’ll end up in more pain overall. The antidote?

Exercising your body in a way that gets your joints moving.

Don’t get us wrong, though. Always follow the doctor’s orders. If you’re in significant pain and/or they’ve given you strict instructions to rest, then that’s the way to go.

Nevertheless, for most of us, exercising on a regular basis should help both prevent and treat joint-related problems. Stay active, move your body, and your joints will thank you for it!

Get Enough Rest Too

Too much of anything is bad for us though, right?

All that exercise can be a fantastic way to allay and resolve joint problems. Overdo it, though, and you can soon make matters worse.

It’s a tricky tight-rope to walk.

On one hand, you’ve got to stay active and keep your body moving. On the other, you need plenty of rest in order to let your joints recover. Our advice?

Seek professional guidance on an appropriate level of activity. A doctor, physiotherapist, or even a personal trainer should be able to provide a training regime that strikes a nice balance between action and recuperation.

Watch Your Weight

True or false:

Being overweight is good for your joints.

It’s False, of course! Being overweight has a negative impact on almost every aspect of health- including your joints. This may make intuitive sense.

Think about your knees for a second.

Imagine walking long distances when you’re heavyset and lack the muscle mass to support yourself properly. Your knee joints would be under far more strain compared to someone in good shape.

The conclusion? Your joints (especially weight-bearing ones, such as knees) will fare far better if you manage to shed a few pounds.

Build Your Muscles Up

Keeping the muscles around your joints as strong as possible will help as well.

A bit like scaffolding around a house, the muscles around your joints are designed to support and take the strain off them. The stronger they are, the more support the joint receives.

That’s why it’s important to incorporate strength training into your exercise regime. Once again, though, be wary of any pain signals you experience and remember to rest up well between sessions. Knowing how to strengthen joints in this way should make them more mobile, flexible, and healthier all-around.

Even better, that newfound strength should reduce the chance of suffering falls and injuries that can cause or exacerbate joint problems.

Leverage Temperature Treatments

Have you ever noticed that your joints feel different in certain temperatures?

Indeed, most people experience increased stiffness and pain in colder weather, whereas warmer days are often easier to handle. The lesson is clear:

Cold and heat can interact with your joints and impact how they feel. You can use this phenomenon to your advantage, depending on the problem you’ve got.

For example, anybody with inflamed, irritated joints can sometimes reduce their discomfort by applying a cold-press to the area. Conversely, the relaxing effects of heat mean that a hot press could have a positive impact on joint stiffness.

Get a Massage

There’s good evidence that getting a massage can help as well.

After all, where muscles are influential in supporting your joints, massaging them stands to relieve tension and reduce pain in the area. The simple act of applying pressure with your own hands can have a similar effect.

Tension will dissipate and blood will flow more readily to them, which should, in theory, help you feel better in the process. If this seems of interest, then consider consulting with physiotherapy and/or chiropractic services to learn more about what’s involved.

Start Early

Most young people don’t think about their joints.

They’re agile, flexible, and pain-free. Why would they?! It’s usually when you get a little older and the situation changes that joints (and problems there-in) come to your attention.

In reality, though, it’s never too early to start looking after these vital parts of your body. A bit like teeth, you’ve only got one set of joints to last a lifetime! Being proactive from an early age in preventing joint deterioration will stand you in great stead for the future.

Stay active, strong, and healthy; rest well after injuries and seek professional input when recovering from problems. Do all that and your joints should stay happy and healthy long into the future.

Exactly How to Improve Joint Health

It’s hard to overstate the importance of joint health to overall physical wellbeing. Every single bodily movement you make in life calls upon one joint or another to perform.

You could be standing up, sitting down, lifting your cup of coffee to your lips, throwing a ball for your dog, or picking your child up. It doesn’t matter — if the joints have deteriorated, then the action will be harder to accomplish.

That’s why it’s so crucial to know how to improve joint health. 

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