Here you can find some hints that will help you in your cooking and for sure will add a very nice falvoure into your dishes.

Best Cooking Hints and TIPS:

  • Vegetables will dry out quickly if it does not have enough water content. The harder root vegetables such as potatoes, winter squash, and beets are more suited for baking.
  • Add your vegetables into mixture for the last 20-30 minutes to retain as many nutrients as possible.
  • Steaming allows for short cooking times resulting in less nutrients lost. Start with the more solid vegetables then add in the smaller ones.
  • You may lose some of the fat-soluble vitamins if you cook vegetables too long in oil.
  • Use only stainless steel cookware and utensils for artichokes to prevent discoloring.
  • Rub all surfaces with lemon to retard browning.
  • Cook asparagus until it is barely tender, it will continue to cook for another 45 seconds once
    To check whether a bean is fully cooked, squeeze the bean and you should never feel a hard core.
  • When boiling beets, remove the skin after boiled. When making beet soup, remove skin first.
  • When cooking cabbage, add a small amount of vinegar to the water and it will help eliminate 60-70% of the odor. If you add to much vinegar, the cabbage will absorb some of the taste.
  • Discard the top greens before storing carrots, as they will continue to absorb the moisture from the carrot drying it out.
  • Adding a small amount of orange juice to cooking carrots adds a nice flavor.
  • Try cooking your corn in a half milk and half water boiling mixture, and will produce a tender, sweet cob of corn.
    As soon as they start to darken, they should be removed and cooking discontinued.
  • Never use aluminum foil on tomato product. The acid in the tomatoes will cause the aluminum to break down and the aluminum may get into the food.
  • Can add a pinch of sugar to tomatoes or sauce to intensify the flavor.
  • Always use warm or hot milk in mashed potatoes. If you add cold milk, it mixes with the starch and makes it heavy and lumpy.
Natacha Parker, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Sept 23, 1976. She has a Bachelor Degree in Nutrition Science. Natacha joined 5 BestThings and worked as an writer specialized in Food Recipes and Healthy Diet section.Official Email id: