Finding someone new to share your life with can be a daunting experience. If you haven’t found that special person, chances are that friends and family members have been talking to you about creating an online dating profile on one of the many portals out there. What can be simpler? You add your name, picture, and location, and talk a little about your likes and dislikes. And then, you sit back and wait. Men looking for someone like you will find your profile and get in touch with you. That’s it!
Are you thinking that it’s a weird way to meet people? It isn’t. That’s because, according to the Pew Research Center, close to 22% of Americans have created dating profiles and say that it’s a nice way to meet people. So, if you choose to put yourself out there through the internet, that would be great.
Except that you need to have a really great profile that projects you in the best light and attracts prospective partners enough to want to get to know you better. Look around and you may even be able to find professional dating profile writers who can do a great job. But before you enlist the services of an expert, how about giving it a shot on your own? Take a look at these simple (and, well, common sense) dos and don’ts and see what happens.
1. Do Talk About What Makes You Unique
You are an amazing person who is truly unique. And, it’s okay to talk about what makes you special. You don’t need to brag but it’s okay to talk about issues, hobbies, and activities close to your heart and how you approach them. You love kids? Talk about how you love to spend time with your sister’s kids. You’re passionate about saving the environment? Talk about the projects you’ve participated in that involved say, planting trees or starting an awareness program for your community. You might just hear from some person who’s just as committed as you. Even as you check your profile from time to time to see if you’re getting responses, you could add some new aspect of your life as it comes up, like say, you just started yoga classes. Keep your profile updated and interesting.
2. Do Portray You as a Real Person
Give an outline of your life in the dating profile. You don’t need to go into the details just a quick peek into the person in the profile. Your words should evoke just enough curiosity for the reader to want to get to know you some more. Words like fun-loving, outdoorsy, friendly, adventurous, or smart probably find their way into most profiles, so try something different. Infuse good-natured humor into the description, and no, talking about the number of friends on your Facebook page don’t count. But, you could talk about how you make time to meet up and do fun things with friends. You could also say that you value the people in your life like friends and family.
3. Do Be Positive All the Way
It’s good to talk about the kind of person you’re looking for. But, avoid talking about the people you don’t want to meet. Steer away from physical and financial specifications. So, avoid saying, men with heights of over 6 feet, athletic build or rich. But, you can say that you’re looking for someone who cares about good health, a balanced lifestyle, and enjoys his job. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, you can mention that you respect family values. Absolutely avoid any mention of past failed relationships and take care not to hint at any emotional baggage you might have. And, choose a great title. Humor is good and by the time the reader reaches the end of the dating profile, he should have a smile and interest on his face.
4. Do Choose Your Picture with Care
The picture on your dating profile can go a long way in getting Mr. Right to contact you. Here are a few simple points to remember:
- Choose a nice picture that displays a warm, confident smile and presents your face in a good light. Get a friend to experiment with a few shots and pick the one you like best.
- Never put up a group picture or show you doing activities. It distracts from the person you are.
- Be careful about the amount of makeup you have on and think twice before getting professional shots or photoshopping. At some point, you’ll have to meet the person you connect with and the makeup has to come off.
- Make sure your picture does not mislead or project someone you’re not. If you’re not a party-loving person, avoid images that show you drinking or dancing.
- Choose latest pictures that show you and your age for what you are. If you think you need to erase a few minor signs of aging, try natural options like the BHRC ultherapy treatment a couple of weeks before you have pictures taken.
- Put up a picture of you and not landscapes, pets, or pretty flowers. If a dating profile does not display an image, prospective partners start to wonder if you have something to hide. Or, well, if you look really bad.
5. Do Allow Your Sincerity to Shine Through
Just be yourself. You’ve probably heard this clichéd line tons of times. But sincerity and honesty always attracts respect and interest. Avoid references to things you’ve never done just because you think it could make your dating profile look better. Use simple, everyday language and be who you are. In the end, you want to meet the right person who likes and appreciates you for who you are, and not someone you’re trying to be.
Now that we have a great list of dos for your dating profile, let’s add one “don’t” for good measure.
Don’t Forget the Grammar and Spell-Check
When crafting your dating profile, take care to avoid spelling mistakes, hashtags, exclamation marks, slang terms, or unnecessary capitals. Before hitting the save button, check the grammar and punctuation. Sometimes, incorrectly placed commas and full-stops can change the meaning of sentences. You could also create a rough draft and get a friend to go through it with you. Often, friends and family members know more about you and can help by adding traits you never knew you had.
With dating profiles and portals, dating and finding that someone special is no longer all that difficult. Just put together an awesome profile and you’ll soon hear from the one person you were meant to be with.