The sea can be a dangerous and unforgiving environment which is why you need to know that the ship you are sailing on is seaworthy and whether you are a passenger or employee, you both need to know that your safety is a top priority.

Your first port of call if you need to be compensated for an injury as a result of negligence would be to seek out some maritime accident attorneys who handle Jones Act claims, as they will have the in-depth knowledge required to pursue your claim in the right way.

With regard to cruise ships, here are a few scenarios and a look at what laws might protect you and your right to make a claim.

Different types of vessel

As you will be aware there are many vessels sailing the oceans around the world and they come in all sorts of different sizes, from fishing boats to huge cruise liners caring thousands of passengers.

A fundamental point to bear in mind is that regardless of the size and purpose of the vessel that you work on you will be regarded as a seaman. This means you could be a crew member or a captain, as the term is used to describe someone who spends a significant proportion of their working life working on a vessel in some sort of capacity.

This general description is used to determine whether you are a seaman and, if that is the case, you are likely to be covered by a set of laws described as The Jones Act.

The reason there is a different law for seamen

This a unique industry to work in and proof of this comes in the fact that injured seamen are normally not entitled to the same worker’s compensation benefits that are designed to protect employees across a broad spectrum of industries.

The primary purpose of The Jones Act is to give seamen access to a set of Federal Laws that allow them the chance to sue their employer for negligence. It is an act that is also designed to ensure that employers observe a duty of care to keep their employees safe.

Read More: What to do to Prepare for a Cruise Adventure

Protecting passengers

Another key maritime activity is the transportation of passengers across the seas, and that includes the huge cruise ships that are so popular with travelers.

The cruise ship owners have a duty of care to protect its paying passengers in just the same way that it should take care of the employees working on the ship, in whatever capacity their job entails.

The cruise ship company is legally obliged to take reasonable steps to protect its passengers and keep them safe of they could be sued for negligence if an accident happens.

Slip or trip claims are a regular occurrence and if this is as a result of negligence by the cruise ship company, such as failing to keep a walkway clear, a lawyer could potentially make a claim for compensation.

This aspect of maritime law is also best tackled by a lawyer who has the know-how to ask all the right questions when pursuing a claim. Unfortunately, accidents do happen on a daily basis on all sorts of ships and it is important to know that regardless of whether you are a worker or a passenger your rights are protected and laws are there to get you the compensation you may be entitled to.