Diving is not everyone’s kettle of fish and it is definitely not for the faint hearted. Those who know the excitement they derive when they are under water is something to be experienced firsthand. Diving is a sport like none other and what you see and experience could be embedded in you for a very long time. Each dive you take below water would be an experience of its own. The beauty that you would see would be etched into your memory for a very long time. It is the adrenaline that would pump within you that would take you over and over again under water.

Diving could be addictive and once the diving bug bites you getting away from the urge to be under water could be a herculean task. Every time you see an inviting body of water your instincts would beckon you and that would be something very difficult to overcome. It is this that takes divers to remote corners of the world to experience each location as they could be as different in many ways to each other,

We have selected the five best locations that would come into our minds but to travel to these destinations and dive deep in you would need to equip yourself adequately. One important piece of equipment that would imperatively dive with you, would be your seiko prospex diver because none other would be compatible to your experience     

#1. Cape Kri – Raja Ampat, Indonesia

A garden of splendor filled with corals of different shapes, sizes, types, shades and beauty which you would not have experienced ever before. It is a world of exquisite beauty which has to be seen to be believed. Mant divers from all over the world come here to experience this fantastic creation of Nature.

Sharks, Manta Rays, Barracudas, swimming along with other marine life some of them endemic to these particular waters are what would await you if you dive in to experience it. An incredible array of 374 different species of fish would welcome you when you are blending with them in their colorful world. You could either select a resort closeby or dive in from a point offshore to behold the beauty before you.

#2. Barracuda Point – Sipadan Island, Malaysia

This exclusive diving spot is tagged along with all other world class sites spread in other parts of the world. It has a sheer drop of 800 meters to make your dive not only an exciting one but exhilarating too. There could be some occasional strong under currents, which would need to be checked beforehand. The waters are clear blue with some of the best marine life you would see anywhere else.

This diving point comprises marine life of a varied variety and a good collection of fish species which are endemic to these waters and not found anywhere else. The waters under has a very diverse selection of marine life from Sea Turtles, Buffalo Fish, Coconut Crab and other very colorful and rare species. You need to see what is on offer and absorb the colors marine life that would unfold before you. It is a very colorful place and would remain an unforgettable experience for a very long time.

#3. Blue Corner – Palau, Micronesia

The place for all those experienced divers who would have the guts to tackle these unpredictable waters and it’s under currents. It is what experienced divers would refer to as a wall dive with some of the best marine life to see and behold because it is incomparable to none other place. If you are looking for excitement then these would be the waters that you would need to be in.

The diverse species of marine life that you would see would bring your adrenaline pumping to exhilarating levels and would beckon you to return many a times over. This diving point has everything that an experienced diver would look for and all of that wrapped in a special place with beauty unlimited. You would need to dive in and experience what many have over the years as it is a great place to dive.

#4. Thistlegorm – Red Sea, Egypt

A sunken cargo ship creates the right ambience for this spectacular dive site. The ship wreck is still home to motorbikes, trucks, train carriages and many other un-retrievable cargo of an era gone by. Sunk after a bombing raid by two German bombers in 1942 during the height of World War II, it has all the trappings to bring excitement and enthusiasm. Many experienced divers have explored the depths of this dive site which is at 29 meters below the surface.

Very popular for a night dive it has been reported that giant Moray Eels could be encountered if you are lucky to see these magnificent marine species which only a few would have seen and experienced. The site is reported to have an eerie atmosphere and would not be for the faint hearted lone diver. The stillness after the 1941 bombing could be experienced still if you would take your time to dive in and experience it.   

#5. The Yongala – Queensland, Australia

A spectacular dive site with a ship wreck that is 109 meters, but it is forbidden to enter as it is protected under the stringent Historic Shipwrecks Act. Though the act forbids entry the surroundings are rich and diverse in a variety of marine life which is endemic to this area. The colorful coral formations in a multitude of hues are to be seen if you are to believe that a world unlike ours exists below us.

The marine life would include Manta Rays, Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, Turtles and other diverse species which makes a formation of a splendor of colors like nothing seen anywhere. This dive point has brought many an experienced dive from around the world over the years. If you are to see beauty of marine life in an unrealistic setting with a shipwreck to boot this would just be the place.