4 Essential Tips To Empower Beginning Photographers

Essential Tips To Empower Beginning Photographers

If you are new to the world of photography the possibilities are limitless and the options are almost always overwhelming. The buttons, dials, aperture, shutter speed, flash… where should we start? Of course, it will always be convenient to study the Exposure Triangle, but there are a few simple tips for beginners that will immediately elevate your learning process. You can also join top photography workshops to learn more about photography.

Observe the light

This is the first thing you have to do. Does your camera have a flash? Does your camera flash turn on constantly? This is not good.

If the above happens, it means that your camera thinks that the image you are about to photograph is too dark, and tries to add light to solve that problem. From that perspective, firing the flash makes a lot of sense, but most of the time this can ruin your photos. Instead of having a nice-looking image, people’s eyes come out with a red dot in the center, very harsh shadows, and flashes of light shining in the windows.

Instead of relying on flash, look at the available light and plan accordingly. If you’re indoors, have your subject face you and their back to a window or to the side. If you are outside, see where the sun is. Move around and move your subject so that the light is behind you and not behind your subject. And even better, put your subject in the shade as the light is softer and more diffuse, thus avoiding marked shadows on the subject.

Observing the light is one of those beginner photography tips that sounds limiting, but with practice, it will become second nature to you. You will automatically be thinking about light and shadows and how to create the best composition without using your camera’s built-in flash. In addition, the mere fact of knowing the nature of light and how to use it efficiently in your photographs is what will make your images considerate and well-seen.

Use continuous autofocus

Modern cameras excel when it comes to autofocus. Modern autofocus systems are capable of continuously focusing on running people and animals with great ease.

One of the most common mistakes beginner photographers make is when they try to take action photos, such as people playing sports or pets. They use Mode AF-S (focus mode for stationary subjects) instead of Mode AF-C (continuous focus mode).

When you press the shutter button halfway on your camera, you will probably hear a sound that alerts you when the camera has focused on the scene. If you finish pressing the button, the camera fires and you have a correctly sharp photo.

This is all well and good, but what if your subject moves for an instant before you finish pressing the shutter button? Worse yet, what would happen if you took a picture again?

You’d have to press the shutter button halfway again to focus on your subject, then finish pressing to capture the scene. It doesn’t sound very practical, but a lot can happen in such a short time.

The solution is to activate the continuous focus of your camera.

Instead of focusing all at once, continuous focus means your camera will keep focusing on your subject whether or not it’s moving. The subject will be continuously in focus as long as you hold down the shutter button. This technique is incredibly effective for shooting action scenes.

Although it’s not necessary, especially if you’re shooting scenes with stationary subjects or macro photography where manual focus is preferred, the continuous focus is generally preferable for most situations.

Use Program Mode instead of Auto Mode

The next tip is to use Program Mode instead of Auto Mode. Each camera has different exposure modes, and if you’re new to photography, you might be comfortable using Auto Mode. And there’s nothing weird about that. Auto Mode is good for a lot of people, and camera manufacturers strive to make Auto Mode settings produce good results.

Despite this, there is much to talk about and learn about Velocity and Aperture Priority modes and even Manual Mode. Apart from these modes, there is the Program Auto mode, and it is ideal if you want a little more control than what you get with Auto Mode.

Program Mode is somewhat similar to Auto Mode, but you have a bit more control over exposure. The camera starts by choosing a value set for a given lens aperture and speed that it believes is suitable for correctly exposing the scene. If you don’t like the values ​​the camera chooses, you can turn a dial and you’ll see the aperture and speed change but the exposure stays constant.

Do you want a little more depth of field? Turn the dial on your camera until the aperture value is the largest (f/2.8 for example).

Do you want a faster shooting speed? Rotate the dial on the camera until the speed increases to the value you want. And if you still don’t like the result of the photo, you can use the Exposure Compensation buttons to make the scene more or less lit.

While Auto Mode on cameras is a great way to get started (and fast), Program Mode is a great option for beginners to gain a little more control over the results in their photos without being too confusing.

Adjust your eye level

This final advice applies to those beginners who have a digital SLR camera or use a mobile phone. It’s about putting yourself in the same plane as the subject or shooting it from a more interesting angle.

This tip is particularly useful when it comes to photographing children, but it applies to any photographic situation.

The most common position for many beginners is to shoot from eye level. It can be done standing, sitting, or in any position in which the opportunity presents itself.

To take better photos, it’s important to move around and look for more interesting vantage points. It’s a very simple thing to do, but it takes constant practice until it becomes second nature. If the subject you are photographing is short, crouch down a bit to make a more interesting photo, if they are tall, find a way to gain some height.

It may not be easy or comfortable, but your photos will thank you.


These four pieces of advice that I have just given you are only what the iceberg looks like above the surface of the sea. There is so much to learn when you start out in the fascinating world of photography. Everyone has had a start, and if you’re not sure where to start, try these four tips.