The importance of a website is rated mainly by users rather than owners and when a user rates your website, you have to ensure that it provides the best user experience and display the perfect mix of UI (user interface) and functionality.

The key to obtaining that is to think about your users first and foremost. The core purpose of user interface design is to make things as effortless and enjoyable as possible for the user, and I here at Atlanta web design company offer exactly that. I think website UI is important and in the process of web creation, I implement solutions thinking of comfortable user experience (UX) via an exclusively designed user interface (UI). 

UI solves the user’s pains in an optimal way saving time and effort. So, let me discuss some tips and tricks helping to make web or mobile UI easy-breezy.

Know Who you are Designing for

Every website or app design has a purpose, and that is to reach the intended audience efficiently. Being a UI/UX designer at Atlanta web design agency my main focus is on the target audience and what is important to them. So, before beginning the designing process, it is ideal to know who you are designing for. Identify your audience early on in the design process so that you can come up with better designs and give yourself a good starting point to work from.

As a designer you have the power to understand what your audience looks at when they open a site or mobile application. To increase the efficacy of your designs, you need to use this knowledge to your advantage.

Be a Good User Yourself

A designer needs to think like the user. Just think, how a user will interact with a particular website or mobile app when exploring it. Knowing your user doesn’t mean, only analyzing stats, rather you need to dig deeper to find out what they are exactly looking for and how they use your product, and what kind of feedback they share. Also, you need to look into what challenges they face while using your app or a website.

You need to focus on how to address those challenges with your design while ensuring everything is easy to find and navigate. When you know your users well and what they think about your product, you will be able to make more clear and informed decisions in your design, for instance, how people use your interface and what content you need to highlight to make it more engaging.

Use the Typography Well

Typography is regarded as an art as it makes the words come to life in your design. How well the user receives your design depends on the use of typography in your website or mobile app design. For the success of your UI design, pick a topography that looks elegant as well as does not interferes with the readability.

Users love reading content with great topography and if they are struggling to read a particular piece of content then being a designer you have done your job well. So, ensure that you pick typography that seamlessly navigates through the content and presents information in an easily digestible format.

Place Core Navigation in the Header

The header is the zone of high visibility on the webpage. It is a strategic area that users see before scrolling the page at the earliest second of interaction. So placing core navigation there will offer a great user experience to the visitors. However, the biggest issue here is to make a decision on what links are core, especially for super-informative websites like multi-topic blogs, large e-commerce websites, and news platforms.

The content that you can consider for website header could be the basic elements of brand identity like the logo, brand name lettering, slogan or company statement, etc. Short headline setting the website theme, links to basic categories of website, contact info, links to social network accounts, search field, subscription field, button or links to interaction such as trial version, downloading from the app store.

Not all the mentioned elements are meant for one webpage header. If you do that, the header section will be overloaded with data and users won’t be able to focus. Decide the options strategically important for the target audience and business goals. You can take the help of responsive web design services in this regard.


UI is a more complex subject as it seems. It depends on the complexity of the website, and how much are you up to change, implement and pull out. However, if you pay attention to the above-mentioned tips and implement them, then you can create some gorgeous user interfaces. And if you are not sure what design to choose for your website, you can contact digital marketing company Atlanta.