A crazy robbery…a famous shopping center was broken into with a stolen car

A crazy robbery

An unsuspecting Canadian woman was involuntarily embroiled in a serious robbery at an iconic Ontario shopping mall.

Taylor Anna Coppinger, a Quebec resident, recently posted an advertisement on Facebook for her Audi A4 vehicle.

On January 29, she described how a prospective buyer had arrived to test her car. He drove it twice – the first time going smoothly; however, during his second drive he began operating the vehicle recklessly.

She went on to say, “His driving was reckless and I felt unsafe. As soon as I stepped out of the passenger side he sped away.”

She attempted to chase after him fruitlessly, and from that point forward, she never caught a glimpse of her car again. As reported by Canadian website CP24.

Later, Coppinger was informed by York Regional Police that her car had been utilized in a robbery at a shopping mall more than 550 kilometers away from where she lived.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, police reported that a vehicle had crashed through the doors of an Ontario mall before robbing an electronics store which was empty and closed at this time.

High speed

Surveillance camera footage from the interior of “Vaughan Mills” mall captures a vehicle crashing through glass doors, only to proceed driving as if nothing had happened.

The vehicle left the compound without leaving a trace of its theft from the electronics store, just as it had entered.

A bold crime.. and the search is underway

Mayor Stephen Del Duca of Vaughan labeled the incident as “crazy,” and Sergeant Clint Whitney attested to this by calling it a “daring crime” during his statement on Wednesday near the mall.

The police revealed that they were in pursuit of two suspects believed to be affiliated with the incident, though their descriptions were unknown due to both being shrouded under headscarves at the time.

He declared the accused plundered “an array of electronic equipment” and may encounter extreme penalties pertaining to this theft.