Moving to Arizona can be a dream come true for many people. Whether it’s your first time living in Arizona, or you’re planning on moving into a different home, the question remains: should you buy a property or rent?
If you’re on the hunt for the most ideal Arizona home, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will help you decide which route to go when it comes to renting versus buying.
Length of Residence
One of the top things to consider when deciding between buying or renting in the state of Arizona is how long you plan to live at your next home. Some folks may have no idea. As for others, they may have a general or even a very clear idea of the timeframe they plan on residing there.
For instance, if you’re a military family, just recently moved out on your own, travel most of the year, or are indecisive about where you want to permanently live, purchasing a home might be off the table, at least for now. You might be ready to buy, however, if you’re wanting to settle down with a family or just retired.
How much you’re willing and able to spend on your future home is another vital consideration. Whether you plan to rent or buy, know that you’re going to need to have some sort of money upfront. This will be either in the form of first month’s rent and a deposit or a downpayment. Of course, buying a home generally requires more money upfront. Do you have that available?
It’s also important to consider how much you’re able to spend monthly on a future residence. This includes rent or mortgage, plus bills. And ask yourself: will you have roommates to help cover monthly costs?
Once you decide between renting or buying based on your budget, then you have to consider the individual options you have at hand. Weigh your options between living in one AZ city and another, living in certain parts of town, and residing in certain neighborhoods or complexes. You can’t always go for the option you love the most when finances are on the line.
Often, we choose to live in a city or in a specific part of town based on our lifestyle. If we have kids, for example, we may choose to live in a safer subdivision, perhaps close to schools and parks. If nightlife is important to us, we may choose to live in a bigger city near a downtown area. But you also must ask yourself, does living your ideal lifestyle match your budget?
Future Goals
Sometimes the housing option you want right now would be fine for you in the short term but wouldn’t make sense in the long run. It would be unwise, for instance, to rent an apartment for a year when your goal is to buy a house in less than six months. It’d also be unwise to buy a house when you aren’t set on settling in the city or state you’re buying in.
Are you ready to take that next step? Check out these Goodyear AZ new homes for sale today.
Sometimes deciding between renting or buying in Arizona is a difficult decision. The good news is, your decision doesn’t have to be a difficult one. Considering the latter factors will help make finding your next Arizona home easier than ever before, all without a big headache in the process.