People of the USA love to visit Vietnam and they need to obtain Vietnam Visa for US Citizens to visit the country. They need to obtain an application form online or through embassy and fill it correctly and accurately. The online applicants get the approval on their mails whole the offline ones get the visa through post. Besides filling accurate data in the form, people should also have valid passports whose validity should be six months or more. Along with it, two blank pages must be available for stamping.

Another thing to be noted is the payment for the stamping fee. No cards are allowed for this purpose and payment should be made only by cash. Visa application is applicable, for the children also. No exclusive Vietnam Visa for US Citizens is available for the US citizens. It is the normal visa given to the people of other countries.

Business visa for the US citizens

Besides tourist visa, the citizens of the US can also apply for business visa. The economy if Vietnam is boosting and the citizens of the US want to take advantage of it. There are many business opportunities that people can avail in the country. There are some factors which the US people have to consider before applying for business visa.

  • All the businesses to be conducted in Vietnam by the US citizens must have business visa.
  • No business activities or employment can be done through tourist visa.
  • The business visa is valid for 12 months only.

Fees for business visa

Fees for baseness visa depend upon length of stay in the country. Stamping fees is $25 and it is for those people who want to stay in Vietnam for one to three months. Only one entry is allowed with this fee. If an applicant wants multiple entries, he has to pay the fees of $50. A six-month visa with the option of multiple entries is also available and its price is $95. The fees have to be paid at the airport only in the form of cash.

People can contact an agent to get the business visa as they have the experience of handling them. An applicant will get the confirmation mail of business visa within five to seven days. In the case of emergency, the applicant request for visa to be delivered in two to three days. No sponsorship letter is needed if the applicant has applied for the visa through an agency. But if the application has been sent through the Vietnam embassy, then sponsorship letter is mandatory.

Business visa through Vietnam consulate in the US

Another method to apply for business is through consulate. USA has five consulates for Vietnam where people can apply for the visa. This method is expensive and also time consuming. The applicants have to send the original copy of their passport to the consulate and should provide ample amount of time as the processing time is long. This method is recommended only if the applicants are able to apply online.


US citizens also have the option for e-visa, which is also a convenient and easy way. The applicants have to apply online for the visa and they have to provide their photo. This Vietnam Visa for US Citizens is applicable only for 30 days and one entry.

Extension of the visa

US citizens also have the option of extending their visas and they can do this with the help of agents who are available all over the country. Vietnam Visa for US Citizens can be extended up to 30 or 60 days and applicants have to pay $40 or $60 respectively. The agent fee is $10.

Wrapping up

These are the ways in which an applicant can apply for tourist or business visa and they also have the option of extending it.