5 Great Reasons to Become a Family Practice Physician

Become a Family Practice Physician
Family Practice Physician

There are a lot of great reasons to become a family practice physician.

Physicians in this category may work in a large metropolis, or in a small town.

They may work in a hospital, or they may own their own practice.

They may practice many different types of medicine, and they may see a wide range of different types of patients.

By the time you’re ready to become a family practice physician, you’ll probably already technically be an attending physician—and you’ll have gone through all of the processes (and earned the accolades) required to practice.

So becoming a family practice physician may be an exciting and adventurous next chapter as you embark on a new and rewarding path for your life and career.

But here’s the thing.

Some doctors wonder:

“Is this really the path for me? Is this the type of medicine I want to practice, and is this the kind of life I want to live as a physician?”

These are not only great questions—but they’re also very valid and understandable.

So let’s dive in and talk about 5 of the best reasons to consider becoming a family practice physician.

1. You Have The Chance To Make A Big Difference In Your Community

This is probably the number-one best thing about becoming a family practice physician.

When a family gets sick and/or needs medical care—you’re the person they’ll look to.

You can make a huge difference for families by being a local attending physician.

From creating care plans to diagnosing issues, to providing care, assurance, and expertise—there’s really no end to the good you can do for your community by choosing to get involved as a family practice physician.

2. You Can Earn A Great Living

According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, the national mean annual wage estimate for family medicine physicians is just over $235,000.

In other words—you can earn an awesome living, make enough money to raise a family, and just in-general take full control of your financial destiny by choosing to embark upon this path.

Doctors and medical professionals are certainly in high demand. And while college tuition is a bit on the expensive side—the profession earns you enough to facilitate paying it down pretty quickly once you get established.

Is it worth it?

From a monetary standpoint, it is.

3. Find Fulfillment And Satisfaction In Your Work

One of the best things about becoming a family practice physician is that you get to see how big of an impact you’re having on your community—and this can create a great sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in your work.

Some people in some professions really struggle with this.

So it’s pretty awesome that family practice doctors get to experience such high levels of work satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy.

Making such a big difference in the world isn’t just good for the community.

It’s also good for the soul!

4. Get Awesome Benefits

Obviously, if you start your own practice, you may need to source your own benefits package.

But if you join a practice and become a family physician for a hospital, care center, urgent care, etc. then you’ll likely get amazing benefits as a part of your job.

Working in the medical field tends to yield plenty of perks. From insurance to retirement, to eye care, to dental—odds are good that you’re going to be well taken care of from a ‘benefits’ standpoint as a family practice physician, regardless of where you practice.

5. Work With Awesome People

The staff you’ll serve with at most family practices are just another fantastic reason to consider being a family practice doctor.

These are some of the hardest-working people in healthcare. They also tend to have diverse backgrounds and stories, and tend to create work environments that are rich in culture, happiness, and camaraderie.

If you’re looking to join a team where the concept of ‘teamwork’ actually holds great meaning—then joining a family practice as an attending physician may be one of the best choices you ever make.


There you have it.

Our 5 top favorite reasons for why doctors should consider becoming family practice physicians.

Remember—you only get one life to do what you love and make a difference.

And honestly—spending it helping families with healthcare is pretty much ‘top level’ when it comes to meaningful life work.

It might not be for everyone. But as an attending physician, you should probably at least mull it over—just to think about it.