As you spend numerous hours per day in your office, the feeling of stress in your workplace can sometimes be overwhelming. This feeling can continue and worsen once you get home, affecting your day to day life. Did you know making small changes to your office set up can help achieve a more harmonious atmosphere, at work and also at home?

Here are detailed steps to read, on how to follow a feng shui guide to laying out your office and tips to achieve enhanced motivation and boost productivity throughout all elements of your life.

1. Make sure your worktop is organised

Did you know clutter is one of the main causes of stress in the workplace? Therefore declutter your workspace to achieve happiness, which is the meaning behind feng shui. Using storage boxes and files to keep paperwork, important documents and stationary in can help reduce clutter and help to focus your attention.

2. Consider your desk positioning

Being able to view the door from your desk enables you to see who is entering and exiting your office, allowing you to feel in control and empowered. Try to avoid sitting with your back against your colleagues, as this may make you feel isolated. Also if you are facing someone, create a barrier between your desks, using items such as computer screens or stationary units. This allows your desk to feel personal and helps to achieve feng shui.

3. Apply design and colour elements to your office

It’s been proven that colour can have an impact and influence on your mood. Pale and pastel colours can help you feel inspired and calm, which can help boost creativity within your work. Avoid dark and bright colours as they can be intense on your eyes, causing you to lose focus and leave you feeling unsettled.

Include art such as prints, drawings and motivational messages. These can help introduce a positive and happy atmosphere, which will boost your workplace success and allow you to feel inspired.

Also having plants and greenery in the office can create a connection to nature and provide a fresh environment which enforces the feng shui feeling. It is said that plants also embody energy and rounded leaves symbol luck. The above design tips are the best ways to get started in creating an inspiring workplace. 

Apply design and colour elements to your office

Keep your office clean

A clean office has many benefits, to your mood and your health. An office can quickly build up dust and desks can easily be marked. Make sure you are regularly cleaning at least once a week, this will prevent and stop various germs that could cause illness. Also be mindful of any customers which enter your office, their first impression is important!

Finally, how to use a bagua map

how to use a bagua map

A bagua map influences the feeling of Chi, which is the energy of life. The map is made up of nine different sections which can be applied to different areas of your life and workplace. All the sections are focused on improving your health, which can be found at the heart of the map.